Rex Academy wants to bring technology curriculum into the 21st century to train current students for the jobs of tomorrow. Our curriculum is designed to account for the fact that there aren’t enough computer science teachers out there. The curriculum is self-paced, easy to learn, standards-aligned, and incredibly hands on to give students a true computer science and technology experience.


Formats/platforms are used:

Our platform is browser-based and loaded with different types of content including videos, PowerPoints, PDF files, Word files, and Images.


Primary URL:


Problem Solved:

Rex Academy attempts to solve the following problems: First, quality technology curriculum is lacking in K – 12 education. Second, there aren’t enough quality teachers to teach these subjects. Finally, much of the curriculum currently in use is out of date.


Age Range:

They offer courses for grades K-12.



They offer professional development with all Their products/courses. Many of the courses have been used in afterschool and summer programs. All content is aligned to standards.



Courses are aligned with Common Core, TEKS, CSTA Framework, ISTE, Florida, and California Standards.


Lesson time needed:

It depends on the course—anywhere between 20 and 150 hours.


Pricing model:

Students subscription model from Individuals, organizations, and resellers.


Additional services needed:

Generally, a computer with internet is required for all courses. Some courses will require additional software or hardware.


What makes Rex Academy unique?

1. They offer a project-based curriculum that prioritizes student success with individualized class experiences.

2. The curriculum includes interactive video lessons and simulations.

3. The AI-based SaaS platform addresses different learning styles.

4. Students practice their lab content using our platform’s built-in coding editor with auto-grading.

5. The platform’s in-depth analytics gives teachers a clear idea of each individual student progress.

6. The curriculum guides students toward industry certifications from Microsoft and Oracle.

7. They align our curriculum with TEKS, Common Core and other state and association standards for education.



The underlying platform is Moodle, which is incredibly easy to use and has a wide range of functionalities. The goal of the UI/UX is to create and use interactive and hands-on content.



Here’s what users are saying:

“Rex Academy provided in-depth curriculum for all our computer science classes including practice, labs, and quizzes that are all standards-based. Because our teachers were not required to create content, they got to spend far more time engaging with their students. This year our AP Computer Science class received an 100% passing rate, up from previous years’ 70% average. As a result, I’ve seen far more students focusing on Computer Science as their career interest as they head off to college.”

-- Bridget Matamoros, CS Department Head, Guyer High School


“We partnered with Rex four years ago to build our computer science program and attract new students. Before, we offered 18 Computer Science classes per year. Now, thanks to Rex’s curriculum, we have over 400 students enrolled in 55 Computer Science classes. We’ve seen our overall enrollment increase as it offers students something they don’t typically get during their standard academic year, and in recent years we’ve noticed that more and more girls are taking an interest in our coding and programming classes. Our students are excited to develop skills and learn more about the programming and coding fields.”

-- Vicki Truitt, Director of Summer Programs, Greenhill School: