How do you know you have quality digital learning content? This question could be made incredibly complex, but luckily people in-the-know have given ten simple guidelines. The Association of Educational Publishers has stepped up to offer some professional standards of quality and consistency – a baseline for all instructional resources.

They call it the “Checklist for Quality Instructional Materials” and those quality benchmarks include:

1. Clearly articulated learning goals and objectives

2. Appropriate grade and reading levels

3. Clearly stated reputable sources

4. Engaging, relevant, and up-to-date content

5. Highly vetted content that is accurate, objective, and reliable

6. Differentiated learning opportunities

7. Standards- and evidence-based lessons/learning aligned with high-quality assessments

8. Well-designed and attractive materials for students, teachers, and other education professionals

9. Adaptable materials for individual learning styles and needs

10. Comprehensive teacher guide or instructional support materials

See the entire paper here: Quality, Differentiation & Accessibility of Educational Resources