Social-emotional learning company, Aperture Education, has signed the Student Privacy Pledge, re-affirming its commitment to safeguarding student data. It also launched a new web page to keep the public informed about how it keeps student information safe.

The pledge and web page re-enforce Aperture’s commitment to protecting student information, and to being transparent about how it handles student data.

“Protecting students’ personal information should be a priority for any education-related organization,” said Jessica Adamson, CEO of Aperture. “Aperture has always been committed to ensuring the security of this data and by signing the Student Privacy Pledge and by giving students, teachers, and parents, a place where they can see details about how we handle student information our customers and their constituents can rest assure that we are handling student data with the utmost privacy.”

The Student Privacy Pledge was introduced by the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) and The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) to “safeguard student privacy regarding the collection, maintenance, and use of student personal information.” More than 300 organizations have signed the pledge to date.

Aperture’s new privacy web page provides information about the pledge, as well as a summary of Aperture’s privacy policy. The page also describes staff-training with regards to student data, and lists steps that Aperture takes to keep this data safe. For example, the company encrypts the data when it is moving over the internet, stores it in a secure cloud-based platform, and participates in vulnerability assessments to detect any unforeseen weaknesses in its protection system.

“We want to make sure that parents, teachers and students understand the many ways that we are working to ensure students’ personal information will remain safe,” said Adamson. “It’s what they expect – and what they deserve.”

To view Aperture’s privacy web page, visit