One of the great benefits of the Lunch and Learn presentation is it gives the Learning Counsel the ability to share and recommend educational products and services that your school or district may need. In this Lunch and Learn, you’ll meet Jeremy Jackson, Senior Director of Instructional Technology at ClassLink. According to Jackson, “We're going to actually look at some ways that we can give teachers and administrators the ability to track student engagement. It's really important to be able to have the data and the instruments to be able to guide remote learning and distance learning for your students. I used to travel quite a bit and get to come out and visit all of the districts. One day, I was talking to a pilot in the airport and I asked him how much is really automated for the flight. And he said, ‘when we're up in the air and cruising along at 30,000 feet, the computers are pretty good at stabilizing things. But when you go up and you go down, that's all the pilots.’ And I asked about what stormy weather is like. He said, ‘We don't need visuals. We have all of the different instrument panels that can give us the data that we need in order to take off and land successfully.’ And that's how we are today with remote learning. We can't necessarily see what the students are doing, but we need to have that instrument panel, that insight into how students are performing, how they're engaged, and how they're spending their time. So, ClassLink has created an ecosystem for you to be able to track that. If you are not familiar with ClassLink, it is a way for students and teachers to access all of their resources through one click.”

Keeping up with student engagement has proven to be one of the most challenging aspects of remote and hybrid learning. Find out how ClassLink can help you solve that challenge while helping you keep a handle on all your digital resources through a single sign on environment.


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