In the first part of our video, Learning Counsel CEO and Publisher LeiLani Cauthen shares some very revealing data from a recent national survey. According to Cauthen, “This was the January study, kind of shocking, some of the data we took out of it. 35 percent of students were not showing up online during quarantines. 15 percent of the students aren't even getting the right materials, which is a function of your navigational systems, your learning management systems and how you're organizing your operations. 34 percent of students can't easily navigate. 15 percent of students have opted out. This is the big shocker, we already had huge portions of the student population leaving for private school charters or homeschooling. We kicked up another 15 percent during the pandemic, putting at us at somewhere between 33.6 and 42 percent of the United States population that has left traditional public.

“51 percent of students have achievement losses.  30 percent of teachers can’t easily navigate and use online systems or apps and need more training. 47 percent of teachers are admitting they can't really personalize. They're just too busy scrambling, or are overly sidetracked into the repetitive digital tasks of distributing and collecting assignments, resources, or communications. And then the percentage of teachers are feeling overwhelmed is74 percent. It's not good for the health of the teachers.”

In the second part of our video, Chris McMurray, VP of EduJedi Leadership at the Learning Counsel, helps us understand the relationship between the complexity of learning objects and the freedom that complexity gives to teachers. “What I know, all of that data speaks directly to some of the conversation that we're about to have relative to sophistication. We're going to take a quick trip through the EduJedi Dictionary. We're going to look at some standards for educators and for students. And we're going to look at a model that can be used to design learning experiences that help to avoid a lot of those gaps.

“And so those gaps might be a learning loss, which is sort of a big buzz word right now. And so all of those things, including teacher burnout, we're going to talk about how to get some time back. So really this is a discussion about how to, to choose and use resources and how to understand what those resources are. So that when you are selecting things like a learning object repository, you're looking for certain characteristics of those resources that are going to help you to get time back as a teacher.”

Don’t miss this very valuable workshop. Find out how you can understand the characteristics of your digital resources and reclaim teacher time, creating the best possible learning scenario for your students.


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