What are the programs you can use in your classrooms that will help get and keep your students connected? And how do these programs aid in the social emotional learning of your students? In this very timely discussion, Rachelle Dene Poth, the Foreign Language and STEAM Teacher at Riverview Junior/Senior High brings you the specific programs that can help, and shares her experience from her own classroom.

According to Poth, “In the past year, I've shifted what I've been talking about. It's now focused on how to build connections. How do we help students to develop social, emotional learning skills and what are some things that I can do as an educator?

“About six or seven years ago, I still taught very much the way I had been taught as a student. I thought that was the way to do it, to stand on the front of the room, give the same homework assignments, same projects, repeat every single day. But then I started to notice a disconnect between myself and my students. I noticed that student engagement was decreasing. I noticed that I really didn't know a lot about my students, and I fell into a lot of these different methods by accident. I didn't go into it thinking, ‘I'm going to personalize the learning experiences or I'm going to try and flip learning.’

“I just knew that what I was doing wasn't working. And so, I tried to open up a little bit more. What I'll share with you today are some ideas for promoting connections with students and things that you can even use to connect with families, how to help to prepare students for not just the future, but now. This past year has been an opportunity for us to really push ourselves, to try some new ideas or tools that maybe we didn't have time for before, or we weren't sure where to begin.”

Here, in one succinct presentation, you’ll learn about a myriad of programs you can use in your own classrooms. Each contains good, honest feedback devoid of any promotion. You’ll get the truth, the whole truth, and nothing you don’t need. If you would like to improve your connectiveness and find ways to help your kiddos with their emotional intelligence, this is a must-see discussion.


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