How do you track student engagement in virtual and hybrid learning? ClasLink’s Jeremy Jackson, Senior Director of Instructional Technology has answers. “I am here with ClassLink and today we're going to talk about ways we can give teachers and administrators the ability to to track student engagement. In another life, pre COVID, I used to travel a lot. One time, I met a pilot sitting in the airport and we started chatting about how much of that flight was automated. We think the computer does the most of the flying, and he says, ‘When we go up and we take off and we land, that's all me.’ And we began talking about how he handles it when it's dark and stormy out.

“And he says,” ‘With all those instruments we have in the cockpit, we can just fly without any visual contact at all. Using the instrumentation, we can take off and land just using those.’ “It occurs to me that you have precious cargo, just like that pilot,” says Jackson. “You have your students, and right now it's difficult to see what a lot of those students are doing, to actually measure all the data that you need to see how they're engaged and how they're performing. ClassLink gives you some different tools, through analytics, to be able to, to have a peek into what your students are doing, how they're engaged and how they're spending their educational time, particularly if they're remote learning.”

With the challenges of online and hybrid learning, every school and district needs the single sign-on ease and security capabilities of ClassLink. And measuring engagement is crucial. Without the proper analytic tools to understand what your students are doing, your teachers are flying blind.


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