In this informative Educator Session, Jenni Jones, Senior Manager for Instruction and Distance Learning, and Elena Fink, Customer Support Specialist for Tech and SIS from Willamette Education Service District, address Data and Reflection, Flexibility in a COVID/Crisis Environment. According to Jones, “I think it's important for us to remember that while we are learning everything we can in a crazy situation about distance learning, this is not a distance learning in a traditional model. This is a crisis model of teaching and learning. And the beautiful opportunity is that we're all coming along side each other at this point in time and learning together. So, whether you're an administrator, a teacher, families, it's really given us that chance to explore what that looks like for us to come alongside each other as learners.”

“Innovative models simply rely on faster data cycles so that we can pivot in the moment. We can't wait until June to find out if what the news keeps saying is true about learning loss. This is reliant on innovative leaders who are willing to think outside traditional schedules to provide additional time for teachers to collaborate and reflect, um, and focus on the data that that really matters,” said Jones.


How should we be thinking about data during this time of crisis, and how can data inform learning that is happening right now? Watch this thought-provoking discussion and you’ll look at data in new ways, and your learners will be the beneficiaries.


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