If you are new to the Leaning Counsel, you may not know about the events. The Learning Counsel is a news media and research hub that is helping America’s schools navigate their way through the digital transition in education. As part of their mandate, the organization holds 30 events per year in cities across the U.S. These events are free and open to education professionals and offer the kind of inside cutting-edge research and instruction that superintendents, principals, technology and curriculum directors and teacher-leaders need to master instruction in the coming age. In addition, carefully selected technology vendors are allowed to participate and interact directly with district decision-makers.

To see what the Learning Counsel events are all about, watch the video below. You’ll hear from superintendents and others who attended the events and gained insights they began using immediately in their own districts. If you attended events in the past, be sure to check out the video and see if you are featured. After you watch, plan to attend and find the schedule of events here.

For more information, contact Annette Erwin at Annette@learningcounsel.com