Many educators and education leaders are not well prepared to teach reading, or lead those who teach reading. The Lexia LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) Suite provides science of reading-based professional learning through three different courses of study designed for elementary educators, education leaders, and early childhood educators. Each course of study teaches the how, what, and why of literacy acquisition to educators to improve literacy instruction and positively impact long-term systemic change in literacy outcomes.
Lexia LETRS empowers educators by going beyond the essential components of literacy. LETRS gives teachers the skills they need to master how to teach the five essential components of literacy, plus writing, spelling, and oral language.
LETRS includes five essential elements for literacy success:
- Science of reading based
- Teaches the content of explicit instruction
- Converts research to practice
- Enhances educator and leader effectiveness
- Transforms instruction
Formats/platforms used:
Lexia LETRS offers flexible implementation models and provides practical professional learning support to teachers and administrators with tools that are available 24/7 including:
- A modern, blended approach with the availability of digital and print resources and professional learning practice to meet staff development needs as well as ongoing support throughout the school year with strategies specific to instruction.
- Live In-Person or Live Online professional learning sessions for each unit. Embedded video modeling demonstrates how to deliver effective instruction that teachers understand and how to apply concepts to classroom practice.
Customized pacing for an optimal learning experience.
- Optional LETRS Customer Success Partnerships to further support the implementation and fidelity of LETRS in the school or district.

Primary website URL:
Problem solved:
Lexia LETRS accelerates teacher and administrator knowledge by addressing four critical outcomes for effective literacy instruction: understanding the science of reading, converting research to practice, enhancing teacher effectiveness, and transforming instruction. By understanding the “why” behind the science and evidence-based research, educators can effectively aid students in learning to read. LETRS professional learning is relevant and applicable and designed to be the cornerstone of a multiyear, systemic literacy improvement initiative.
In addition, LETRS incorporates reading research conducted in neuroscience, cognitive development psychology, and linguistics so that educators have solid evidence on how to teach reading to benefit all students. LETRS is consistently evaluated and updated to ensure it reflects the most current research and developments around the science of reading so that educators understand and can apply the most up-to-date, evidence-based reading research.

Grade/age range:
The Lexia LETRS Suite is designed for educators and administrators of pre-K through third-grade students, as well as for teachers who work with fourth- and fifth-grade students who struggle to learn to read, to accelerate teacher knowledge, improve instruction, and change students’ literacy journeys.
Core/supplemental/special needs/extracurricular/professional development?
Professional Development
What subject, topic and/or standards is LETRS mapped to?
Lexia LETRS meets the Tier 3: Promising criteria as defined by ESSA, which requires that at least one study demonstrate a statistically significant effect on improving student outcomes or other relevant outcomes. Key findings from the evidence summary linked below have shown teacher knowledge increased for those who participated in LETRS professional learning compared to those who had not participated. Additionally, quality of instruction, student engagement, and teacher competencies also increased for those participating in LETRS. Please see LETRS ESSA Evidence for a more detailed summary of the LETRS research evidence and results that meet the ESSA Tier 3: Promising criteria.
Pricing model:
Contact a Lexia Professional Learning Expert.
Additional services:
Lexia LETRS for Administrators is a professional development course designed specifically for school leadership, coaches, principals, and district administrators. The course defines the systems and infrastructures required to successfully implement a literacy initiative aligned to scientifically based research. Built from the research in implementation science and sustainability, school improvement, and shared leadership, the course provides numerous tools—including an analysis of the current systems required for improved literacy outcomes—for guiding an implementation through various stages.
What makes Lexia LETRS unique?
Reading requires multiple parts of the brain learning to work together. Teaching reading requires a deep understanding of the science behind how we learn to read, why we spell the way we do, and how phonemic awareness and phonics lead to comprehension. Without this understanding, teachers are left feeling ill prepared. That’s why Lexia LETRS bridges decades of evidenced-based research into classroom success. Research shows that only 35% of students are reading proficiently, but 95% of students can learn to read. And while teachers are the most essential factor in student success, only 49% of teaching institutions effectively prepare teachers for literacy instruction. Teaching reading requires a deep understanding of the processes and science behind it. The LETRS Suite is the professional learning that empowers teachers with that knowledge.

Lexia LETRS provides practical support to teachers with tools that are available 24/7—online, print, and live in-person or live online professional learning unit sessions—and ongoing support throughout the school year with strategies specific to instruction. LETRS meets educators where they are in terms of resources and options and can be used with any quality literacy program. This professional learning program addresses each essential component of reading instruction and the foundational concepts that link each component. This includes: Theoretical models from reading science, phonology, basic and advanced phonics, screening, and educational diagnostic assessment, as well as teaching vocabulary, language and reading comprehension, and writing. Each LETRS Suite course of study has its own unique scope and sequence of topics, activities, and tools for educators to learn, practice, and apply what they learn.
Here’s what users are saying:
“The instructional routines we have learned in our LETRS professional learning course have helped our students progress in a way that I have never seen in more than 20 years of teaching.”
— Gina Coates, NCS Title 1 Instructor
“We’ve had positive feedback from teachers who said they thought they understood the science of how to teach reading, but because of participating in the LETRS literacy professional learning, they now really understand what is necessary to build strong readers who understand what has been read.”
— Antoinette (Toni) D’Urso, NCS Early Literacy Facilitator