Past Events Video

Learning Counsel flash internet seminars are designed to be rapid researched-based professional development for education executives and administrators. Leaders in edtech and district and school transformation share their experience, best-practices and tools on how they are making the shift.

Watch completed seminars whenever you like, or register for upcoming seminars.

Portland, OR - Navigating the Future of Education: Insights from a Superintendent Panel Discussion

In a recent panel discussion hosted by LeiLani Cauthen, CEO of Learning Counsel, education leaders shared their experiences, challenges, and visions for the future. The esteemed panel included...

Doug Cauthen

Seattle, WA: Navigating the Digital Landscape

Brad Brown, the Executive Director of Learning, Teaching, and Leadership Development at Puget Sound ESD, recently delivered a thought-provoking presentation at the Learning Counsel Symposium i...

Doug Cauthen

Portland, OR: Leadership, Belief, and Transformation

In the hallowed halls of Portland Public Schools, Dr. Kimberlee Armstrong, Chief Academic Officer, shared her insights and experiences at the Learning Counsel Learning Leadership Symposium. Dr...

Doug Cauthen

Seattle, WA Panel: Adapting Education in the Wake of a Pandemic

Seattle, Washington recently hosted a thought-provoking panel discussion on the transformative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education. Led by LeiLani Cauthen, CEO of Learning Counsel, th...

Doug Cauthen

Portland, OR: Rethinking Education: Bridging the Gap Between Classroom and Culture

LeiLani Cauthen, CEO of Learning Counsel, recently delivered a thought-provoking presentation at Portland Public Schools, urging educators to reimagine the way they approach teaching in the di...

Doug Cauthen

Portland, OR: Navigating the Human-Technology Intersection in Education

In the dynamic landscape of education, the interplay between humanity and technology is an ever-evolving narrative. The recent Learning Leadership Symposium at Portland Public Schools shed lig...

Doug Cauthen

Denver, CO '23 - Navigating the Future of Education: Insights from Visionary Leaders

In a compelling video recording hosted by LeiLani Cauthen, CEO of Learning Counsel, a panel of esteemed educational leaders provided valuable insights into the evolving landscape of education....

Doug Cauthen

Baltimore, MD - Guest Educator Panel

The Learning Counsel held their regional Learning Leadership Symposium in Baltimore, MD at the Baltimore City Public Schools Professional Development Center. This event was designed to promote ...

Doug Cauthen

Atlanta, GA Keynote: Cobb County School District

Janell McClure, Director – Applied Learning and Design, along with Stacey Buckalew, Director of CTLS Academics and Megan Stanfill, Supervisor for Digital Transformation share the great work th...

Doug Cauthen

Atlanta, GA Educator Panel: Models, Workflow and Change Management

Hosted by LeiLani Cauthen, CEO at Learning Counsel News, this panel discusses Models, Workflow and Changes. features: Dr. Keith Osburn, Chief Information Officer / Deputy Superintendent of Te...

Doug Cauthen

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