In a compelling video recording hosted by LeiLani Cauthen, CEO of Learning Counsel, a panel of esteemed educational leaders provided valuable insights into the evolving landscape of education. The panel included Antonio Vigil, Director of Innovative Classroom Technology at Aurora Public Schools; Patrick Sandos, Superintendent of Sheridan School District 2; Kelly Sain, Chief Technology Officer at Thompson School District; and Brenard McCune, Director of Extended Learning, Activities, and Athletics at Denver Public Schools. LeiLani initiated a thought-provoking discussion, asking, "What does it mean to be human in our learning environments right now?" The ensuing conversation delved into the essence of education, the challenges faced, and innovative solutions to enhance learning experiences.

Kelly Sain, Chief Technology Officer at Thompson School District, set the tone by emphasizing the importance of relationships in the learning environment. She underscored the need to highlight, foster, and develop these relationships, acknowledging that technology should be used to automate certain processes, allowing educators to focus on meaningful conversations and connections. Sain's perspective resonates with the idea that technology should enhance, not replace, the human aspect of education.

LeiLani pointed out a pressing issue – the loss of students in the education system. Patrick Sandos, Superintendent of Sheridan School District 2, addressed this concern by highlighting the need to evolve from traditional learning models. Sandos emphasized that the days of the "sit and get" approach are gone. He challenged the one-size-fits-all measurement of student success, urging educators to consider alternative methods that recognize the diverse talents and capabilities of students. Sandos advocated for a shift in mindset, mirroring the changing perspectives of colleges in redefining success.

Antonio Vigil, Director of Innovative Classroom Technology at Aurora Public Schools, brought a critical perspective to the discussion. He suggested that educators need to probe deeper into the root causes of the challenges faced in education. Vigil questioned whether there is a genuine effort to understand and address these root causes. He stressed the importance of soliciting feedback from stakeholders, building a vision from the ground up rather than imposing solutions from the top down. This approach ensures that the education system is shaped by the collective insights and experiences of those directly involved.

The video recording featuring LeiLani and the insightful panel of educational leaders provided a glimpse into the future of education. As the conversation unfolded, it became evident that the leaders are not only aware of the challenges but are actively engaged in reimagining the learning experience. Their emphasis on human connections, a shift in traditional learning models, and a commitment to addressing root causes through stakeholder collaboration showcase a collective dedication to creating a more inclusive, dynamic, and effective education system. The forward-thinking insights shared by the panel offer a roadmap for educators and administrators navigating the complexities of 21st-century education.