Short description of app/product:


PAPERbasket is the first EdTech Adoption Metering Solution that helps educators improve the fidelity of their edtech resources, but also helps officials control edtech budgets. By knowing exactly how many licenses and hours your software and digital resources are being used at school, at home, or anywhere in between, officials can be empowered to make more strategic decisions about their digital learning efforts. The critical element is knowing exactly how much time was “active” and how much time was not.




Web-based dashboard with collectors already for Windows, Mac and Chrome devices.



What does it help with?


Measuring “active use” adoption of all software, online subscription and device usage inside and outside your school network.

What grade and age range? 


District-wide solution for IT and academic officials.

Is this core/supplemental/special needs/extracurricular/professional development or what?


The tool measures adoption of edtech resources to help decision-making at a school or district level.

What subject, topic, and standards is it mapped to?


Compatible with all subjects.

What lesson time does it use?


None. PAPERbasket silently tracks use of all software and online activity of school devices, uploading that information daily to an online dashboard. There, approved district officials can access more than a dozen different reports to measure the fidelity of your school system’s edtech adoption. There’s also an ROI Calculator which reports back the dollar value for any paid resources (software, online subscriptions, curriculum) based upon actual active use in your district.

What is the pricing model?


A flat annual fee for the school district allows for unlimited use across any and all school-owned devices. Flat fees vary by overall district size.

Are there services around it?


Implementation and related services are included. Schools can export the data using open API standards to integrate the data with other data-driven decision making tools.

What makes PAPERbasket unique?


Our method of collecting data is unique and currently patent-pending. First, we are the only company that has developed a method for distinguishing active vs. inactive use, helping schools get a more accurate picture of real usage. Second, other companies are attempting to collect data on the server or cloud level, while others receive use data directly from select web site publishers. Each method leaves major gaps in the total use picture. PAPERbasket is the only company that collects data on the device level across multiple operating systems.



Reviews from Industry Leaders


“Two of the seven Project RED Key Findings are:  1) Properly implemented technology saves money, and 2) Daily use of technology delivers the best return on investment (ROI). PAPERbasket provides data that can aid schools in making sound IT decisions and ensuring effective use of IT resources. The reporting feature gives district officials granular information for analysis and financial projection.”

Leslie Wilson, Project RED co-author and CEO, One-to-One Institute


“Schools often lack the very resources to facilitate change management. PAPERbasket helps schools make efficient use of their IT resources and gives school leaders the knowledge they need to make positive change.”

Tom Greaves, CEO, The Greaves Group


“Even the most effective learning resource is useless if students aren’t actually using it. PAPERbasket solves the missing link to give real, accurate data to know when and if resources are being used.”

Kathy Hurley, CEO, Girls Thinking Global