Gamer Math™ provides a one-of-a-kind, engaging curriculum that uses gaming and esports as a vehicle for standards-based math instruction. Created as a response to the most significant score decline in math in our nation’s history, as reported by the Nation’s Report Card, Gamer Math meets students where they are by tapping into their passion for video games to boost math scores. Made for educators by educators, the program includes 30 hours of standards-based math curriculum, a gradual release of responsibility framework, comprehensive data and reporting, a scope and sequence curriculum map, into-through-beyond instructional methodology, professional development, and ongoing support.
Formats/platforms used:
The program is delivered through Mastery Coding’s proprietary LMS that supports 15+ most widely used integrations that include Google Classroom, Schoology, Canvas, and more.
Primary URL:
Problem solved:
The biggest decline in math scores in our nation’s history. The lack of engagement and lowering attendance we are seeing in schools across the nation.
Grade/age ranges:
Gamer Math™ is aligned with middle school math standards and is designed for grades 6-8

Core or supplemental?
Designed to engage and elevate students that are falling behind in math, Gamer Math can be implemented as a supplemental, intervention, or extracurricular program.
Aligned with middle school math standards for each state.
Lesson time needed:
30 hours of video, standards-based math instruction
Pricing model:
Per class or per site licensing available.
Additional services included:
● A 30-hour standards-based math curriculum
● Video-based lessons
● Comprehensive data and reporting
● Self-grading assessments
● A gradual release of responsibility framework
● Scope and Sequence curriculum map
● Into-Through-Beyond instructional methodology
● Professional development and ongoing support
What makes Gamer Math unique?
Teach Math Skills Using the Video Games Students Know and Love.
Gamer Math™ provides a one-of-a-kind, engaging curriculum that uses gaming and esports as a vehicle for standards-based math instruction.
Math Scores Are Dropping
Research has found that student motivation and morale have suffered as a result of the pandemic.
Students are constantly doing math as they play video games.
Gamer Math™ Meets Students Where They Are!
Boosts Engagement with:
Unit 1: Ratios with Rocket League
Unit 2: Statistics & Probability with NBA2K
Unit 3: Fractions & Decimals with FIFA
Unit 4: Percentages with Super Smash Bros
Unit 5: The Number System with Mario Kart
Unit 6: Geometry with Minecraft

Characteristics (as described by the Gamer Math team)
From a UI/UX design standpoint:
● We take an agile, iterative approach to our application design. Over the last 5 years, we've refined our platform based on user feedback, internal testing, and adherence to industry regulations and best practices.
● Our most valuable features for students and teachers in the platform are:
○ Engaging multimedia lectures
○ Virtual assessment
○ Accessibility tools like closed captions, controlling video speed, and a high contrast theme.
○ Navigation is straightforward and uniform.
○ Teachers can view student progress and quiz results with extensive data reporting capabilities.
○ All assessments in Gamer Math™ are graded automatically in the platform.
From an instructional design standpoint our curriculum shines because:
● We tap into students’ passion and demonstrate how math applies to their immediate environment, something that is often a disconnect when learning math at a young age.
● We give students an intrinsic incentive to learn topics (instead of "memorize this formula," it's "wow, doing it the long way sure takes a while. Good thing we have a shortcut that cuts that time in half")
● We use audio, visual models, exercises, and text summaries to engage different types of learners.
● New topics are introduced with the Depth of Knowledge (DoK) model as a guiding principle. For example, a lecture smoothly transitions from a level 1 topic identification (this is what it's called) to a level 2 categorization (here's how it differs from something similar) to a level 3 application of the concept (let's use this new tool to make better decisions when playing Rocket League)
● All topics are based on middle school math standards.
Here’s what users are saying:
“The biggest challenge math teachers face today is the practical element of math for the students. Unfortunately, most of my students do not see the importance of learning math or how to apply math in the real world. With Gamer Math, students immediately see how math matters - and the better they are at math, the better they will be at the video games they love.”
--Helen Papadopoulos, CA Teacher of the Year Award Winner, Suzanne Middle School, Walnut Valley Unified School District
“Mastery Coding™ is a student need because it's an economic need.”
--Beto Gonzalez, Superintendent, WEBB CISD
"It's a way of getting the kids to get a really excellent skill set, but doing it in a way that doesn't feel like work."
--H.H. Garza, Principal, Bruni HS
“The kids are super excited about it. They love gaming together and this program has brought in this whole group of kids that don't normally get connected in those extra activities, and so we've really tapped into a new group of kids.”
--Susan Denton, Academic Improvement Specialist, Standard School District