Reading Horizons Discovery® is a foundational literacy program based in the science of reading. The Reading Horizons multisensory method, paired with a new tech-enabled lesson delivery system, helps educators deliver effective, evidence-based reading instruction.
The new Reading Horizons Discovery® provides engaging, accessible, grade-specific lessons and student resources to guide K–3 students towards mastery of foundational reading skills. Teacher instruction covers phonemic awareness, phonics, and spelling at a developmentally appropriate pace and tightly aligns with standards and the science of reading. Real Time Coaching embedded professional learning content streamlines planning and lesson delivery for teachers. The new program provides instant and actionable data to inform instruction, building student confidence.
The new Reading Horizons Discovery® also automatically and dynamically groups students for differentiated instruction based on continual real-time assessment data.
By helping teachers with lesson pacing and monitoring student mastery, the new Reading Horizons Discovery® offers instructional equity and empowers educators to teach foundational literacy skills that students can apply in all subjects.
Formats/platforms are used?
Reading Horizons Discovery is available via any internet connected computer or tablet. (It is not recommended for use on mobile phones.)
Primary website’s URL:

Problem solved:
Reading scores for the most recent National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) were the lowest they’d been since the Naep launched in 1992. Reading Horizons Discovery ensures that every student reads proficiently by grade 3.
Grade/age range:
Reading Horizons Discovery is designed for use in grades K-3.
Core or supplemental:
Reading Horizons Discovery is a supplemental phonemic awareness and phonics program for the core subject of literacy. We offer professional learning both in-person and embedded within the product.
Reading Horizons Discovery is aligned to Foundational Reading standards and strongly supports the Word Recognition strands of Scarborough's Rope, while adhering to the other key tenets of science of reading such as explicit, systematic instruction.
Lesson time needed:
The recommended lesson time for Reading Horizons Discovery is 30-40 minutes each day.

Pricing model:
Traditionally we have used a site-license pricing model. We also have a special per instructor/student option which would be more beneficial for smaller sites.
What makes Reading Horizons Discovery unique?
Reading Horizons Discovery uses the latest research from the science of reading to deliver a tech-enabled, multi-sensory approach to build the skills every student needs to read proficiently by grade 3.
Reading Horizons Discovery was intentionally designed to be customer-centric by involving users of the old version to inform evaluations of early prototypes through surveys, interviews, focus groups, and user testing. This co-creative experience helped the product be tuned-in to customer problems, and resulted in the creation of an intuitive user interface that focuses on providing teachers with what’s important, what’s the impact, and what’s next for their students. The daily teacher instructional cycle is built into the product to:
● Prepare the teacher for instruction;
● Assist teachers in establishing the learning objective and delivering instruction;
● Assess student learning;
● Provide differentiation recommendations and resources to fill in student gaps; and
● Inform classroom mastery-based progression.
The student software experience provides:
● Skill-check activities assigned automatically after each lesson to provide teachers with data to inform instruction;
● Retrieval and interleaving practice of past and current skills to ensure mastery;
● Feedback during skill activities to allow for students to learn and improve through practice; and
● Gamification to lower stakes and decrease student anxiety around assessments.
The teacher and student journey through the product was intentionally mapped to reduce the learning curve to be successful with all of the necessary Reading Horizons resources.

Here’s what users are saying:
“It gives me immediate feedback and immediate data. The data is there as soon as the Skill Checks are done, and I’m able to plan my instruction according to the data.”
—Crystal Champion, a 1st-grade teacher in North Carolina
“Reading Horizons Discovery will allow me to save time. With only one press of a button on the iPad, everything is available without having to search through numerous computer programs.”
—Heather Henry, a 1st-grade teacher in Alabama