The Slooh platform provides students in schools nationwide with the ability to explore the universe and its stars, planets, moons, nebulae, and celestial events through the company’s multiple online telescopes, including one dedicated to providing live feeds of the sun. Within the context of its age-and level-appropriate curricula, students and teachers use Slooh to access an array of educational modules to support learning about space.
The Slooh modules, called Quests, are NGSS-aligned learning activities that challenge students to collect and analyze data from the telescopes to form their own conclusions, as well as enable them to explore space and learn important astronomical concepts during educator- and self-directed instruction. The Quests follow a learning progression through each age level to help students learn about astronomy and the worlds around them in a truly accessible, unique, innovative, and engaging way.
Formats/platforms used:
Slooh is an online platform that can be accessed through any commonly-used browser.
Primary website URL:
Problem solved:
Traditionally, only the wealthiest schools that happen to be situated away from light-polluted areas have observatories for their students. Slooh changes that model by making access to observatories equitable to all schools. This, in turn, helps level the playing field for future career opportunities in STEM and in the growing space industry.
Slooh’s cost-effective and scalable solution eliminates the geographic, financial, and technological barriers associated with the study of astronomy in schools. With Slooh, teachers across the world can help their students explore space and view space phenomena in real-time just like professional astronomers.

Grades/age range:
Slooh provides elementary through college-level students with a one-of-a-kind learning experience. With hands-on, age-appropriate experiential learning activities, Slooh takes students beyond simulation to see in real time the wonders of the universe and to collect and analyze their own data.
Core or supplemental:
Supplemental astronomy and core Earth science
Slooh can easily be integrated into any science, astronomy, or STEAM class. The platform is aligned to NGSS, helping students master standards such as Developing and Using Models; Planning and Carrying Out Investigations; Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking; and Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information.
Lesson time needed:
Lessons involving Slooh can range from 15 minutes to multi-week projects.
Pricing model:
Slooh is available for just $8 per student at the classroom level to a few dollars per student at the district level.
Additional services needed:
Besides Internet access and a device to access Slooh, no other services, software, or hardware is needed.
In addition to online telescope access and integrated curriculum-based lessons included with the platform, educators have access to Slooh’s professional development to help them integrate Slooh into their lessons. With no prerequisite knowledge required, this professional development helps build educators’ own understanding of space and astronomy while helping them immerse students in space discovery by accessing celestial phenomena.

What makes Slooh unique?
STEM engagement is critical for student success, yet it can be challenging for many educators, schools, and districts, especially when it comes to teaching about space. With Slooh, students are exposed to tech-enabled astronomy and space exploration which increases engagement and collaborative STEM and STEAM learning opportunities. In fact, students who study space are more likely to pursue a STEM career, and an informal poll found that 86 percent of students who used Slooh say it has increased their interest in science generally.
Slooh is designed to provide students and teachers alike with the most seamless user experience. The platform’s most recent updates to ensure this experience include:
- Increased interactivity and personalization in Quest learning activities, including the ability to create custom posters of celestial observations
- A more intuitive dashboard to flatten the learning curve for new users
- Improved educator workspaces for easier student engagement

Here’s what users are saying:
“Slooh brings the wonder, excitement, and dreams children associate with space exploration and the cosmos directly into every classroom.”
– Dr. David Goldblatt, former superintendent of Saddle River School District in New Jersey
“With Slooh's Online Telescope, my students are finally able to 'do' astronomy in an authentic, hands-on way befitting of a science course.”
– Greg Schwanbeck, physics and astronomy teacher at Westwood High School in Massachusetts
“[Slooh] enables students to explore and analyze more than 1,000 real-world space objects and events right from their own computers. Students even have the opportunity to control the network of professional-grade online telescopes, just like real astronomers, as well as engage in gamified learning by earning points as they complete various Quests focused on astronomy-based topics.”
– Nicollette LeTellier, STEM specialist at Swift Water Elementary School in Washington state