STEM Sports® is committed to the educational enrichment of K-8 youth. The STEM Sports curriculum is designed to spark curiosity, promote collaboration, and improve comprehension and real-world application of STEM concepts. Lessons provide an adaptive, hands-on approach for students to exercise problem-solving skills that will help them throughout their education and in future careers. Honored with Best of STEM awards in 2023 and 2024, the STEM Sports curriculum is offered in four grade bands, presenting grade-applicable concepts and objectives in each lesson.
STEM Sports shows its commitment to college and career exploration by including a curriculum that introduces students to real-world jobs that relate to STEM and sports. Studies show that approximately 85% of STEM job positions for 2030 have yet to be created, so equipping and preparing students for various workforce divisions is a focus that STEM Sports as an organization choose to address. Real-life applications are encouraged and explained throughout the entirety of the curricula as each module lists careers and concepts to promote students’ knowledge of the opportunities available in the STEM field.
Formats/platforms used:
A digital LMS as well as printed curriculum manuals are utilized for academic implementation.

Primary URL:
Problem solved:
STEM Sports® supports students throughout their academic journey by providing a service that is educational, enjoyable, and easy to implement. With the combination of STEM academics and sports activities, K-8 students are able to develop skills that they can use in future jobs and real-life situations. The innovative, hands-on curriculum provides educators with an approach to physical literacy that allows students to gain valuable leadership, collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
By using sports, students can engage with the curriculum on both a mental and physical level, increasing student retention and providing a positive learning experience to get young minds interested in STEM. In addition, this combination of STEM and sports has the capability to reach a variety of students with different interests: the STEM-loving student will connect with the initial curriculum while having a new approach to learning; the sports-loving student, who may typically avoid STEM, will engage and learn in a way familiar to them and therefore less intimidating.
Grades/age range:
STEM Sports® covers four grade bands: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and SPED covering K-12. A pre-K program is in development for launch in the first quarter of 2025.
Core/supplemental/special needs/extracurricular/professional development?
The STEM Sports® curricula and kits are designed for use during the school day, after school, in home-school or remote learning settings, or as part of summer enrichment or instruction. For in-classroom instruction, generalist, STEM, science, math, PE, AVID, and other teachers use the curriculum as an elective (two, three, or even five times a week) and supplemental tool.
STEM Sports’ design and scalability for teachers, administrators, or volunteers requires no professional development or training, allowing the program to align with school day, extended day, after-school, or home-school/remote learning programs. In the event professional development is requested for implementation of the STEM Sports curricula for instructors/administrators, the STEM Sports curriculum writers and experienced instructional staff will provide the necessary training and development for effective application.

The four grade bands that STEM Sports® offers are based on standards at the primary and secondary levels, ensuring students comprehend and apply grade-applicable concepts and objectives to each lesson. The curriculum is mapped to standards including Next Generation Science Standards, Common Core State Standards - Math, and National K-12 Physical Education Standards.
Lesson time:
On average, each lesson takes two hours to complete.
Pricing models:
For schools and afterschool programs, turnkey kits designed for 30+- students begin at $1,099.00 for a printed teacher manual version. For the Digital offering, a class size of 30 can begin with a one-year license and a kit beginning at $1,349.00. From there, price levels increase and vary dependent upon the product.
Additional services needed:
Kits feature all the necessary academic and sports supplies for effective implementation as defined in each curriculum manual’s preface and corresponding lessons. The goal is to provide teachers and students the necessary resources to effectively plan and administer each lesson.
What makes STEM Sports unique?
Unlike other curricula, STEM Sports® pairs digital learning with hands-on physical activities. Students will experience STEM by conducting experiments with included supplies and then track their hypotheses, measurements, and observations in their digital environment. This allows students to move their bodies, get out of their seats, and experience an increased heart rate, something that is outside the norm in digital learning atmospheres.
The digital curriculum is broken down into modules that contain interactive media videos, images, and simulations for engaged learning and assessments. Educators have the flexibility to differentiate the instruction within modules by student for individualized pacing or accessibility purposes.
Educators can watch trends and compare classes to determine if lessons or STEM concepts need further instruction. Teachers can track students’ progress on a given standard as well as the time spent on that standard. With real-time monitoring of in-progress lessons, educators can quickly identify and intervene if a student needs additional help.
If needed, educators can differentiate instruction for each student by reassigning practice materials, allowing multiple attempts for assessments, or giving students the ability to jump ahead to the next lesson. Automated student assessments and grading can be viewed at the student or class level.
STEM Sports® gives students a relatable and comprehensive approach to science, technology, engineering, and math through the implementation of the 5E Model, an inquiry-based and contemporary instructional method where students are active participants throughout the learning process. The 5 E’s represent:
● Engage
● Explore
● Explain
● Elaborate
● Evaluate
STEM Sports adds a sixth E, “Extend,” to offer students the opportunity to challenge themselves with a window into the next grade level.
What users are saying:
"I observed a STEM Baseball lesson and it was exceptional! The students were engaged at the highest level because they had to physically participate and interact with their environment. STEM Sports is exactly the type of program I want all of our students to experience!"
—Shane McCord, superintendent, Gilbert (AZ) Public Schools
“We all truly enjoyed STEM Sports. The teachers and students had a BLAST and learned a lot. It was definitely a pleasure working with STEM Sports and a great learning experience.”
—Attillah Brookshire, instructional support teacher, Riverdale Elementary School, Clayton County (GA) School District
“STEM Basketball fits really closely with our regular science curriculum. It covers movement and energy and connects so well with our kids. The lesson they enjoy the most is module 3, where we discuss how temperature changes the properties of a basketball. We live in Arizona and the heat makes the ball bounce higher. The students find it fascinating!”
—Amy Rosengren, 6th grade science teacher, Alhambra (AZ) Elementary School District