TinkRworks for grades K-8 is a critical piece of STEAM Project-based Learning initiatives for school systems nationwide. It provides all of the essential ingredients to ensure successful STEAM implementation — powered by professional development. Designed to motivate students in unprecedented ways, TinkRworks focuses on the hands-on application of cross-curricular connections to computer science, data analysis, design, ELA, engineering, math, and science.
TinkRworks projects include access to the TinkRworks portal, the central location for all the tools needed to facilitate classroom instruction, complement core instruction, target essential standards, support project construction, and administer assessments. Stay organized with easy access to instructional materials, classroom management tools, a user-friendly coding environment, and the support you need when you need it.
Formats/platforms used:
Hybrid: Hands-on projects supported by a robust and user-friendly web-based learning platform and coding environment
Primary URL:
Problem solved:
TinkRworks prepares future-ready leaders by strengthening essential STEAM knowledge and skills.
STEAM education helps students not only excel in their traditional studies, but also develop skills and an understanding of technology, media literacy, and critical thinking.
In addition to basic subject-area knowledge, STEAM fosters a combination of competencies that students must develop to be set up for long-term success, including core values, social- emotional skills, and future-ready skills.
Outcomes show improvement in classroom behavior as well as a significantly heightened student interest in pursuing STEM classes and activities. Students also show an increased desire to participate in hands-on projects, graphic design, and technological activities.

Grade/age range:
TinkRworks was created to serve the vital K-8 learners. Projects span multiple grades for flexible implementation.
STEAM differs from STEM in that it not only features science, technology, engineering, and math, but also the arts. The “A” represents art in all its forms – the art of self-expression, the art of design, the art of communication, of understanding, of collaboration, beauty, integration, flexibility, and openness. It involves considering oneself and the user. STEAM emphasizes a more creative and artistic approach to problem solving. It allows students to be more invested in and take more pride in what they are creating. The artistic aspect of STEAM pushes students to show both what they have learned and who they are as individuals.
Each TinkRworks project includes a comprehensive STEAM curriculum that is designed to facilitate cross-curricular connections and supplement core curriculum. The online TinkRworks Portal includes classroom management tools, lesson plans, instructional slides, project build videos, activity guides, rubrics, and student assessments. Every project also includes ongoing access to the TinkRworks Support team who is on standby to assist you with any questions — including those related to project build, troubleshooting, classroom engagement, and more.

Does your product address core/supplemental/special needs/extracurricular/professional development?
TinkRworks is a supplemental program with differentiated instruction designed for grade-level, special needs, and extended/expanded learning. The program also provides high-quality professional development.
Lesson time required:
Each project provides 10-18+ hours of instruction that can be customized to meet classroom needs. Because of the array of projects and robust linkage to standards, TinkRworks can be implemented in science class, math class, ELA class, music class, art class, social studies class, and of course, STEM/STEAM class. Additionally, TinkRworks’ supplemental curriculum is a great fit for afterschool, summer school/summer camp, and extended learning opportunities.
Lesson plans for each project suggest pacing in terms of instructional minutes that help facilitators craft their own plan for implementation. During professional development, the TinkRworks team will work with facilitators to determine the best course of action.

Pricing model:
TinkRworks’ STEAM project kits can be used flexibly across several grade levels. Mix and match TinkRworks’ make-and-take and reusable kits to create a STEAM program that fits your budget and academic goals. Pricing varies depending on the number of projects licensed and facilitators who receive professional development. Please contact info@TinkRworks.com for more information.
Additional Services:
Strengthen Your Teaching Skills with STEM Professional Development Resources: Empower yourself with comprehensive professional development resource kits designed to bolster your knowledge and confidence in the K-8 STEM classroom. From establishing high-performing classrooms to fostering effective discourse and reflection, STEM resources are crafted to support your growth as an educator.
Ignite Curiosity with Fun STEM Activities for the Classroom: Fuel your STEM teaching with a curated collection of free, STEAM Project-based Learning resources. From education tip sheets to planning guides, teaching surveys, easy STEM activities, and stimulating student prompts and worksheets, our activities are designed to spark imagination and instill a lifelong love for learning.
Transform Your STEM Classroom with Vibrant STEAM Posters and Handouts: Elevate your classroom environment with captivating STEAM posters featuring the esteemed STEAM Superhero Squad. Introduce students to the six essential skills every STEAM superhero must possess and guide them on the path to creative problem-solving. Additionally, explore resources on the engineering design process—a roadmap to STEAM/STEM success.

What makes TinkRworks unique?
Designed by educators and engineers, TinkRworks is much more than a project in a box. That’s why TinkRworks is a critical piece of supplemental STEAM for school systems nationwide. It simplifies the implementation of STEAM by providing a comprehensive, turnkey solution that students and teachers love:
● Standards-rich K-8 curriculum that is ready-to-teach and targets NGSS, CCSS, CSTA, and TEKS standards.
● Innovative, hands-on STEAM projects that inspire creativity and innovation and can be used flexibly across several grade levels.
● A user-friendly, web-based coding environment where students can customize their projects and bring them to life.
● Unparalleled professional development & support in which we provide all the tools you need to confidently and effectively teach STEAM — including lesson plans, instructional slides, activity guides, student assessments, and professional development.

The supplemental K-8 STEAM curriculum and projects come ready-to-teach and can be implemented in a variety of settings including classrooms, makerspaces, after school, and summer school. The flexible implementation options allow educators to personalize instructional time. The Tinkrworks Portal and project kits provide all the tools educators need to facilitate classroom instruction, complement essential standards, support project construction, and administer assessments.
Each project is independent and does not require prior knowledge of other projects or outside content. However, the program can also be implemented in every grade as a project-based STEM supplement. Students will enjoy the experience of learning essential concepts hands-on every year!
Any educator can teach TinkRworks! In fact, the vast majority of facilitators who receive TinkRworks’ professional development self-classify themselves as having either limited or very limited experience with technology and/or coding prior to professional development (which covers support for project builds, content, and coding).
TinkRcode, our web-based, drag-and-drop programming environment, is compatible with laptops, Chromebook, and iOS. TinkRworks does not collect any student data, nor does it require students to input any personally identifiable information before they can begin using our software.

Here’s what users are saying:
"TinkRworks shows that STEM Is for everyone. Even students who don’t speak in English became leaders in the classroom as they experiment, and problem solve with coding. Same thing with students who struggle in general. TinkRworks provides a way for everyone to engage."
--JON BARICOVICH | Director of Assessment at Cook County/Summit District 104
"I’ve spent so many years working with different programs, but nothing has made as much sense to our students or meant so much to me. Plus, students learn about the nut and bolts of building something and get to connect the hardware to the software."
--FRED REYNOLDS | Middle School STEM Teacher at St. John of the Cross Western Springs
"I think it’s great that a TinkRworks classroom is not a quiet classroom. To me, this is a huge success. Inquiry-based and project-based learning are all about the conversations and fun students have. An effective classroom is about work the students are doing together and independently – and how they talk about the work."
--AARON ESPER, PH.D. | Director of CTE and Special Projects at The Career Academy Network of Public Schools