Dr. Laurie Barlow, Superintendent of Schools, and Dr. Michelle Gosh, Deputy Superintendent, recently shared their insights and strategies at the Learning Counsel Learning Leadership Symposium held at PNW BOCES. Their presentation focused on the leadership priorities driving the Brewster Central School District's initiatives, with a primary emphasis on student success.

  1. Leadership Priorities: Dr. Barlow highlighted the district's two key leadership priorities. The first, and most central, is the unwavering commitment to students. Every decision made within the district revolves around ensuring the best outcomes for the student body. The second priority is assembling an exceptional team of educators and staff, creating a supportive family atmosphere. Dr. Barlow expressed gratitude for the remarkable cabinet, leadership team, faculty, and staff who contribute to the district's success.
  2. Addressing Demographic Changes: The Brewster Central School District faced a significant challenge as its economically disadvantaged population increased over time. Dr. Barlow acknowledged the impact of socioeconomic factors on assessment scores and stressed the importance of addressing these challenges collectively. The district aimed to ensure the success of all students, recognizing the direct correlation between student well-being and academic achievement.
  3. Strategic Coherence Plan: Dr. Barlow and Dr. Gosh discussed the development of a Strategic Coherence plan, initiated with the intention of maintaining continuity while pushing for improvement. Formed in 2015-16, a core team played a crucial role in crafting mission statements, values, and defining success criteria for students. Action teams were established to engage various stakeholders and gather input on student success factors.
  4. Mission Statement and Student Success Areas: Dr. Gosh emphasized the significance of the mission statement in driving the district's work forward. The mission, encapsulating the desire to create multiple pathways for success, guided the identification of five key areas defining student success. These areas covered academic programming, extracurricular activities, career exploration, character development, and community support.
  5. Results Statements and Accountability: The presentation outlined eight result statements, translating the strategic plan into actionable outcomes. Dr. Gosh highlighted the importance of avoiding a plan that sits on the shelf, emphasizing the need for tangible deliverables and ongoing assessment. The district is actively working on career planning initiatives, including a community database for shadowing and internship opportunities.
  6. Defining Success: The district places a strong emphasis on defining success for its students. Clear definitions include academic and character traits, with explicit identification of who is responsible for teaching and assessing each element. The district recognizes the diverse paths to success, including various educational and career options beyond traditional four-year college paths.
  7. Next Steps: Dr. Barlow and Dr. Gosh concluded by sharing their ongoing commitment to keeping leadership priorities at the forefront. They outlined a systematic approach to accountability, ensuring transparency and continuous progress in achieving the district's goals.

Brewster Central School District's leadership team's commitment to student success, coupled with strategic planning and transparent accountability measures, positions the district as a model for proactive and holistic educational leadership. Through their presentation, Dr. Barlow and Dr. Gosh inspire educators and administrators to prioritize student needs while fostering a culture of continuous improvement.