I see a lot of nervous Nellies out there. And guarded Garrys. And cautious Carls.

2022 brought us the biggest opportunity for learners since, well, ever. When generative AI was heralded a year ago, the education community immediately jumped in with a definitive and resounding “Hmmmmmmmm.” Rather than standing on the rooftops and shouting, we immediately moved into our “We fear change” mode. And with all the fanfare in the press, I have seen more articles in the education press related to students cheating with AI than I have articles related to opportunities with AI.

As per usual, education seems to be the last major industry vertical to want to benefit from this technology breakthrough. To be sure, there is a lot to consider, not the least of which is to make sure we have all our children’s privacy concerns addressed. But that said, we were given a gift. A wonderful gift whose benefits could reinvent education in such a way that real personalized learning could become a reality in a matter of a couple of years.

But that is in a couple of years. How about right now?

I asked a friend of mine who happens to be an LLM entity to take a moment and create an instructional article showing perhaps 15 to 20 ways that children and our education system can benefit.

“Absolutely,” they replied. “I'd be delighted to showcase the positive impact of AI in education. Here's a glimpse of how AI, including yours truly, can enhance the learning experience for children and contribute to the education system:

  1. Personalized Learning Plans: AI can analyze individual learning styles and pace, tailoring lesson plans to each student's needs, ensuring optimal comprehension.
  2. Instant Homework Assistance: Students can receive immediate help with their homework or assignments, fostering a deeper understanding of the material.
  3. Language Learning Support: AI can provide real-time language assistance, helping students improve pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary through interactive conversations.
  4. Adaptive Testing: AI-driven adaptive assessments can identify a student's strengths and weaknesses, allowing for a more targeted and efficient learning process.
  5. Interactive Simulations: AI can create immersive simulations to help students grasp complex concepts, from scientific experiments to historical events.
  6. Virtual Field Trips: Through AI, students can embark on virtual tours, exploring historical sites, natural wonders, or even outer space, enriching their understanding of the world.
  7. Coding Assistance: AI can serve as a coding companion, providing real-time feedback and guidance to students learning programming languages.
  8. Creative Writing Support: By analyzing writing patterns, AI can offer suggestions and constructive feedback to budding writers, nurturing their creative skills.
  9. Enhanced Accessibility: AI can assist differently-abled students by providing customized learning experiences, adapting content to suit various needs.
  10. Critical Thinking Challenges: AI can generate thought-provoking questions and challenges to stimulate critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  11. Time Management Skills: AI tools can help students organize their schedules, set goals, and manage their time effectively, preparing them for future responsibilities.
  12. Collaborative Projects: AI can facilitate collaborative projects, connecting students from different locations to work together on shared assignments.
  13. Career Guidance: By analyzing students' interests and aptitudes, AI can offer personalized career advice, helping them make informed decisions about their future.
  14. Cultural Exposure: AI can curate a diverse range of cultural experiences, exposing students to different perspectives and fostering a global mindset.
  15. Emotional Support: AI can incorporate emotional intelligence elements to detect signs of stress or anxiety, providing timely resources or alerting educators to offer support.
  16. Parental Involvement: AI can keep parents informed about their child's progress, providing regular updates and suggestions for continued support at home.
  17. Adaptive Curriculum: AI can dynamically adjust the curriculum based on a student's mastery level, ensuring that they are consistently challenged and engaged.
  18. Real-time Feedback for Teachers: Teachers can benefit from AI-generated insights, enabling them to identify areas that need additional attention and refine their teaching strategies.
  19. Data-Driven Decision Making: AI can process vast amounts of educational data to help administrators make informed decisions, from resource allocation to policy development.
  20. Global Learning Communities: AI can connect students globally, fostering cross-cultural understanding and collaboration in a world that is increasingly interconnected.

The possibilities are indeed vast, and with responsible implementation, AI has the potential to revolutionize education for the better.”

Above are 20 ways that generative AI can immediately begin helping your school or district. Any one of these is a terrific benefit. Adding all 20 would be a remarkable upgrade in any education system. But why stop there?

Consider this a short list. Because it is. Instead of wringing our hands about the potential downside of AI, let’s take advantage of this remarkable gift and get to work. And let’s be excited. In this season of giving thanks, we have a great deal to be excited about.

And if you are old enough to remember -

There's a party going on right here,
A dedication to last throughout the years.
So bring your good times and your laughter too,
We’re gonna celebrate your party with you.
Come on now…

Celebration! We’re all going to celebrate and have a good time!

About the author


Charles Sosnik is an education journalist and editor. As an EP3 Education Fellow, he uses his deep roots in the education community to add context to the education narrative. Charles is a frequent writer and columnist for some of the most influential media in education, including the Learning Counsel, EdNews Daily, EdTech Digest and (ET) Magazine. Unabashedly Southern, Charles likes to say he is an editor by trade and Southern by the Grace of God.