August 11th 8:00-4:00

The Learning Counsel has partnered with Southern Oregon Education Service Disrict to help present new EDTech solutions within the context of their planned virtual event so that all their attendees become aware of the potentials.  


EdTech companies are invited to act now to participate as sponsors.

This one-day event will be focusing on skills to support Oregon educators in teaching distance- and hybrid-education models. Fellow educators from across Southern Oregon and around the state will provide practical ways to engage students in multiple methods for all age groups. They also will support administrators in visioning approaches to hybrid and distance learning.

SOESD will kick off the 2020 event with Southern Oregon’s own Tisha Richmond offering an exciting and “Magical” keynote, which will be followed by four rounds of breakout sessions scheduled throughout the day.

“This is our ninth annual EDTech Summit that the Southern Oregon ESD has been directly responsible for, it's a technology integration summit and it is an educator to educator summit. It's educators saying, this is what I've been doing, here are some pieces that work, here's what I'd like to show you about, what I think is best practice,” said Aaron Cooke, Program Manager for Data & Analytics, School Improvement Team, Southern Oregon Education Service District, the organizer for this EdTech Summit. 


Who will be attending?

300-500 Curriculum & Tech Directors, Coordinators and Managers of Instructional Tech, Instructional Coaches, Building Administrators & Teachers.  Attendees receive PD hours credits. 

“We already have registrations from five different States and all over Oregon,” said Cooke. “Oregon operates very differently than some other States. It is very much a locally controlled educational system. And while some of those locally controlled systems are very top down, wher tech directors make decisions, actually (lately) very few of them operate that way. Less of them operate that way now than they did six months ago, and the reason for that is that people are trying to find things that they can work in an environment that they're not used to. They're (faculty of schools and administrators) very open to actually looking at new things.  The people they are listening to, or the people who actually do have the time to either take your calls or to look at those things, are the teachers.”

“So we have people who will attend that are instructional coaches, they're tech TOSAs (teachers-on-special-assignment), they're, team leads for different pieces (and administrators). They might be a lead teacher. They have the respect of their building principal, or they are part of a group (with various administration titles and teachers) within a district that actually informs technology directors and other pieces about what types of tools they might use, what types of equipment that might be useful.”

“They have very few opportunities like this to actually get out and see some of those pieces. And if they do, then they're saying whether they want to implement it, or if they don't, and then their principal may say okay, you can try that and you can try something different than that, and then what happens is they see which worked. Then they make a larger purchase. The CARES Act money is interesting, and that is probably going to make people make decision a little quicker than we’d like to. But quite frankly, with the situation they're in with hybrid education coming, distance learning pretty much a fact, they're going to be looking at really finding some things that can reach more kids, engage more kids.”


What about Budgets & Spending in Oregon?

Oregon is a patchwork of where money will be spent.  Plenty of districts were not 1-1 with devices and are having to immediately go from 0-60 very quickly not only with devices but also software.

“One of the things I would just throw out with edtech companies is that educators are fine with spending money if they understand that it's going to leverage them something from it. I can tell you though, the problem is they don't know which way to go. That's one of the reasons we want to have this event and really focus on what are some things that have actually worked really well.  They're (educators) are looking for things that do work in a model that they're not very comfortable with. Edtech companies are much more comfortable in this model, so if they can make the administrators, but especially teachers, feel comfortable with what they do they're going to be more likely to spend some money that they have from the CARES Act on that. Because right now the big piece is that they've got to front load a huge amount of money into a system so that they can make it work again in a model that's not really ever been tried for the scale it is currently at,” said Cooke.






August 11th



Cadre & Sponsors


Welcome, & Regional EDTech Vision



Magical Learning Keynote

Tisha Richmond





Breakout Sessions Round 1






Breakout Sessions Round 2






Breakout Sessions Round 3






Breakout Sessions Round 4



Group Share – Lessons Learned

Cadre & Sponsors


Summit Closing and Good Journey



Opportunities: (All sponsorships include live-linked logo on website and in the Workbook handout prior to the event provided materials are in on time, and you will receive the roster of the attendees to your portion of the agenda after the event.)

Premier  Underwriter  –$3,000   1 available  SOLD OUT

  • Keynote video or slide drop (1-2 min video)
  • 1-page ad or advertorial in Workbook with another acknowledgement in workbook indicating this sponsor is a Premier Underwriter at the top of sponsor pages with special box-out section
  • Full attendee list; 150+ leads, all registration and post promotion


Breakout Sponsor –$550   NOTE:  assigned randomly, no pre-selection of alignment to speaking educator

  • 1-3 minute speak-over-slides or video drop
  • Can additionally submit a 1-3 question “poll” for Zoom meeting and attachments (1-3)
  • Live attendee list


Lunch-&-Learn Sponsor – $1,500   Limited opportunities. 

  • Approximately 40-minute webinars as breakouts that Sponsor hosts to demo, have audience of any educator joining their group.
  • Can additionally submit a 1-3 question “poll” for Zoom meeting and attachments (1-3)
  • Live attendee list


Adopt-a-Group Sponsor - $500  Limited opportunities.

  • Sponsor adopts one of the districts/sub-group and essentially pays their attendance fee.  Sponsor is acknowledged by moderator prior as the Adoptive Sponsor prior to that group’s leader doing a share-out, but sponsor does not speak.  Other visibility via listing in workbook and online.
  • Can additionally submit an attachment (1)
  • Live attendee list




Additional Attendees (1 provided for any sponsorship for that individual event.)  Extras:  $50 each


PROGRAM SPONSOR – Full page $450, ½ page $250.  Specifications available upon contract.


Contact us about this event here:  or email