Avantis Education, the leading provider of VR and AR content and hardware for K-12 schools, has released a new white paper: “Building Back Stronger: New Thinking and Technologies Reshaping Education” which delves into the myriad ways K-12 schools are embracing different methodologies and cutting-edge technologies to support students following a period of declining academic success.

The white paper, released under the brand ClassVR, Avantis’ award-winning all-in-one VR/AR headsets for schools, is available for download at https://bit.ly/BBSwhitepaper

As stated in the white paper, “issues such as underfunding, understaffing, the digital divide and the impacts of the pandemic have set the stage for an ambitious revival.” It notes that ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funding has provided school districts with opportunities to leverage new educational approaches and technologies and that “these innovations serve as the catalysts for rejuvenation, charting a course toward the restoration of educational excellence. U.S. education is building back stronger.”

The white paper examines several specific approaches and technologies being used in schools, including:

  • The flipped classroom
  • AI-generated teaching materials
  • The no-grades movement
  • Data-driven learning analytics
  • Post-pandemic expansion of SEL
  • VR and AR
  • Maker-based learning, makerspaces and STEM labs.

The white paper includes insights from five education thought leaders:

  • Dr. Rupert Rawnsley, Chief Science Officer for Avantis Education
  • Christopher Klein, Education Consultant for Avantis Education
  • Simon Luxford-Moore, Head of eLearning at ESMS independent schools
  • Luke Knightly-Jones, Education Researcher and private tutor for Royal Tutors
  • Dr. Lorah Sirri, Senior Lecturer in Educational Psychology at Manchester Metropolitan University.

It also provides examples of how some of these approaches and technologies are being used in classrooms.

“The 2020s will likely be a defining decade for education as schools and policymakers rethink their approaches to education,” said Avantis Education’s Chief Executive Officer, Huw Williams. “In this white paper we provide an informative look at some of the innovations happening in K-12 schools today and their potential to engage students and support academic growth. It includes thoughtful context offered by experts in the field about these practices and technologies in order to help inform the conversation about how best to support students in moving forward.”

About Avantis

Avantis Education, the creators of ClassVR, provides simple classroom technology used by more than a million students in over 90 countries.

The world’s first virtual reality technology designed just for education provides everything a school needs to seamlessly implement VR technology in any classroom, all at an affordable price. To learn more visit www.avantiseducation.com and www.classvr.com.