Association (NSTA) and MCH Strategic Data, Catapult X has named the winners of the Educators Pick Best of STEMTM 2021, the only awards program judged by STEM educators for STEM educators. This year’s winning K-12 and higher education products, technologies, and services were selected for their positive impact on student learning and STEM education in today’s schools. Winners were chosen based on reviews by the educator judges, as well as by a popular vote by more than 2,500 educators. 

“Our exceptionally-qualified educator judges were impressed with the classroom utility of the products they reviewed,” said Annie Galvin Teich, judge coordinator for Educators Pick Best of STEM and CEO of The Teich Group. “From emerging technologies to tried-and-true solutions, the range and variety of winning STEM and STEAM programs provide teachers with ample opportunities to excite students about science.” 

This year’s winners are: 

Extended Reality (AR/VR)

·       MEL Science (co-winner)

·       Carolina Biological: Bacterial Transformation Simulator (co-winner) 

Inspiring Computational Thinking

·       Sphero, Inc.: INDI (winner for PreK-2)

·       Game Salad (winner for Grades 6-12) 

Earth Science

·       IRIS Consortium: IRIS Station (co-winner)

·       TWIG: TWIG Science Next Generation (co-winner) 

Space Science

·       SLOOH 

STEM Innovation

·       MEL Science (co-winner)

·       Unruly Studios: Unruly Splats (co-winner)


STEAM Excellence

·       Great Minds: PhD Science 

Best Resource for Analyzing and Interpreting Data

·       Pivot Interactives 

Bridging the Gap: Math Intervention Resource

·       US Math Recovery Council: Math Recovery Specialist 

Hybrid Learning Superhero

·       Accelerate Learning, Inc.: STEMscopes 

Breakthrough Technology for STEM

·       Pivot Interactives 

Social Impact Awards

·       Nepris, Inc. 

Outstanding Provider, Customer Service—Co-winners

·       Bio-Rad: Hands-On Laboratories, Grades 9–University (co-winner)

·       Labster: Computer Program Simulation Lessons (co-winner) 

Tried and True STEM Resource

·       Explore Learning Gizmos (co-winner)

·       Generation Genius (co-winner) 

Best Freebies for STEM

·       Bio-Rad: Bio-Rad Explorer (co-winner)

·       Carolina Biological Supply: Carolina Essentials (co-winner) 

“From young learners to college scholars, it is vital for students to have multiple and sustained opportunities to engage in science exploration,” said Eric Pyle, president of NSTA. “Congratulations to all of the companies that developed and shared these standout technologies for providing STEM opportunities and innovative approaches to help build students’ scientific skills, knowledge, and literacy.” 

“We had a robust selection of products for educators to evaluate this year. This includes a number of technologies teachers and students can use either from home or in the classroom, suggesting a shift in how product developers are adapting to meet the future of education,” said Daylene Long, founder of Catapult X. “We are seeing a trend to simplify hands-on experimentation by having students conduct investigations with everyday household products while, at the same time, leveraging advanced technologies such as AR/VR where students engage with STEM ideas through whole-body interactions, complex simulations, and virtual laboratory experiences.” 

All of this year’s award winners are featured on the Educators Pick Best of STEM, Catapult X, and NSTA websites. They will additionally be featured in the January 2022 issues of NSTA’s Science and ChildrenScience Scope, and The Science Teacher

To learn more about Educators Pick Best of STEM and the 2021 winners and finalists, visit


About Catapult X

Founded by Daylene Long, Catapult X is a market and product development company that consults with science and STEM/STEAM education industry partners—organizations, businesses, and associations—to catapult their brand and products forward by using data-driven insights. 

Long catapults brand, product, and sales growth through alignment of data and strategy, using progressive research techniques and customer discovery. Long publishes national surveys on STEM education and STEM marketing infographics to guide edtech marketers across the globe. Long is an affiliate member of the Council of State Science Supervisors, a member of NSELA, and a seventeen-year member of NSTA. Long connects her clients to administrators, educators, distributors, and media to build strong global partnerships.