Lifeliqe (pronounced life-like), a visual learning platform incorporating virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) and interactive 3D announced today the results of a pilot case study of Lifeliqe on HoloLens mixed reality curriculum conducted from April to May 2017 in two American schools. According to the study, the students reported an increase in engagement, attention, understanding and motivation. The study is publicly available here:

As the  study found, 75.9 % of the students felt that the lesson captured their attention more than usual. 69.9 % of the students then felt motivated to spend more time learning while using Lifeliqe on HoloLens. 78.3 % of the students felt that the lesson made them more curious than usual and 79.5 % of the students felt they were able to understand the subject matter more easily. All teachers that took part in the pilot reported more engagement and understanding than usual.

"The results of the study exceeded our expectations. At the same time, it confirmed that mixed reality can be utilized effectively when used with the right content. It fills us with confidence to continue futher with our efforts,“ said Ondrej Homola, CEO of Lifeliqe. Currently, the pilot project continues in 10 schools around the world.

The pilot study combined quantitative and qualitative research methods. The pilot study focused on high school students at two schools - Castro Valley High School in California, US and Renton Prep School in Washington, US. Lifeliqe on HoloLens pilot curriculum was used there between April and May 2017. In each school there were several teachers using Lifeliqe on HoloLens in their classes. In total there were 180 students involved in the pilot project by participating classes where Lifeliqe on HoloLens was used.

Based on the initial results of the study Lifeliqe launched a full app Lifeliqe HoloLens with 40 interactive 3D models and 20 lesson plans for teaching K-12 STEM subjects. The app is available free on the Windows Store. Lifeliqe is also busy with bringing virtual reality into classrooms, launching new version of Lifeliqe VR Museum with 1,000 3D models and 20 VR experiences in the end of September.