South Carolina employers seeking entry-level talent have an expanded and FREE resource to post jobs: the South Carolina Technical Colleges Jobs Consortium website, powered by College Central Network, Inc. (CCN).

The website makes it both FREE and easy for all employers—large and small, public and private—to register just once and then post an unlimited number of jobs to South Carolina's technical college students and alumni!

Employers posting jobs today can simultaneously reach tens of thousands of job seekers from seven technical colleges, including: Aiken Technical College, Central Carolina Technical College, Florence-Darlington Technical College, Greenville Technical College, Horry-Georgetown Technical College, Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College, and Tri-County Technical College.

"The colleges in the South Carolina Technical Colleges Jobs Consortium are united in preparing our state's workforce for today's jobs and for tomorrow's emerging careers," stated Ileka Leaks, Director of Career Services, Greenville Technical College. "Giving employers an easy way to post jobs to all seven colleges and to all of their combined students and alumni for free is something many employers had wanted and now have."

According to April D. Garner, Director of Career Services, Horry-Georgetown Technical College, "Our state's technical colleges work with roughly a quarter-million South Carolinians each year. Employers seeking job-ready talent, specifically educated to move right into our state's workforce, should start posting jobs immediately to fill open positions. We have many students eager to begin or to launch their second careers."

Garner added, "The mission of the Consortium's colleges is to connect our talented graduates with our state's employers to build and maintain a competent workforce, and to keep our state's economy strong."

Glenn Hellenga, Director of Career and Employability Services at Tri-County Technical College said, "Many people are surprised to learn that South Carolina's technical colleges educate more undergraduates than all of the other public higher education institutions in our state combined." He added, "Unlike many graduates of four-year colleges and universities, graduates of South Carolina's technical colleges are far more likely to remain in the State after graduation. These highly-skilled graduates become part of a vibrant South Carolina workforce, filling South Carolina's employer needs with local talent."

Reneé Patchin, Director, Career & Learning Services at Central Carolina Technical College said, "Jobs and internships posted via the Consortium travel easily through CCN's Career Services Central® career office management platform. They are then available to registered students and alumni at all eight technical colleges. After registering at, job seekers can instantly use the College Central App on their smartphones, tablets, or computers to search and apply to all jobs. It's a wonderful resource!"

CCN's Career Services Central® is the exclusive online career office management platform for career centers at all schools participating in the Consortium. Joy Miller, CSC's National Sales Manager, sums it up, "Technical colleges can have a greater impact on the state's economy by removing as many barriers as possible, simplifying the process, and allowing employers to easily recruit the state's home-grown entry-level talent. The South Carolina Technical Colleges Jobs Consortium website does exactly that.

"CCN makes job posting free for all employers. It centralizes the task, so recruiters post just once to reach all of South Carolina's technical college talent. These graduates have the skills. They are ready to move directly into the local workforce. And they are who today's employers are looking for." 

About College Central Network®

Founded in 1997, College Central Network (CCN) has over 22 years of experience connecting employers with qualified emerging talent candidates. More than one million employers have registered to utilize the Network to post jobs and recruit students and alumni for entry-level jobs. 

About Career Services Central®

Career Services Central (CSC) is CCN's intuitive and affordable career office management platform that works on any device and is trusted by hundreds of institutions and organizations across the U.S.

Thousands of career professionals use CSC daily to manage the entire career process for students, alumni, and community residents attending CSC-powered institutions, including appointments, career advice and job searching, résumés, career portfolios, experiential learning, on-campus recruiting, career events, and job fairs. To learn more, visit: