Skriware, an international edtech company providing schools with equipment and lesson plans that enable practical and hands-on education in the spirit of STEAM, has donated Skriware Academy starter packages to all local and non-government primary schools in Poland through the country’s Future Labs program. Skriware’s donation, valued at about $5 million U.S., was facilitated through the Educational Research Institute (IBE) and will reach almost 14, 000 schools in Poland.

“As part of Skriware Academy, teachers from every primary school in Poland can develop students' imagination by implementing inspiring ideas based on the core curriculum,” said Karol Górnowicz, CEO of Skriware. “The use of 3D printers, and other 21st century technologies, during classes is now easier because as part of the starter package, teachers can get year-round methodological support and exchange experiences on the discussion group.”

Teachers and students in schools participating in the Future Labs program will have access to the Skriware Academy starter package. The free package includes 10 teacher accounts for each school and allows teachers to access:

  • Skriware Academy: The educational platform with 30 lesson plans and activities, 28 e-courses, and eight training videos to help build teachers’ professional and technological abilities.
  • Skrimarket: A database of ready-to-print 3D models, which includes more than 20,000 online models for 10 school subjects, as well as special education.
  • 3D Playground and Creator: Proprietary 3D modeling tools that students can access online at school or at home.
  • Support Package: Year-round support, including video materials for teachers, weekly webinars, and an online community for teachers to discuss ideas and experiences.

Future Labs was created by Poland’s Ministry of Education, IBE, GovTech, and the Center for the Development of Education (ORE) in 2022 to help address the acceleration of the digital transformation in education. It is the country’s largest educational program to supply elementary schools and general schools of the arts with modern technology (including 3D print, robotics and engineering) and equipment.

“We are very pleased that the Polish EdTech industry participated in its preparation and now supports us in its implementation,” said Justyna Orłowska, plenipotentiary of the Prime Minister for GovTech and plenipotentiary of the Minister of Education and Science for Digital Transformation. “I hope that the prepared content will be helpful not only in conducting classes, but will also become an inspiration for others who want to create the School of the Future with us today!”

To learn more about Skriware, visit

About Skriware

Skriware is an EdTech company providing schools with equipment and lesson plans to enable practical and hands-on education in the spirit of STEAM. SkriLab – an educational laboratory based on 3D printing, robotics and programming, is an educational solution that received the ISTE Seal of Alliance and the Education Alliance Finland certificate. It not only teaches children the skills of the future, it also supports teachers in implementation of new technologies into their regular teaching practices. Skriware's products are being used in over 2,500 schools in Poland and selling in 17 countries worldwide.