ScribOrder from Scribbles Software is an online records processing and payment system for K-12 school districts. Touted as a game-changer by districts across the country, ScribOrder drastically shortens the time it takes for districts to respond to student records requests. Using ScribOrder’s secure online platform, districts can fulfill records requests from students, alumni, families, and third-parties, in minutes instead of days. People can request and verify records directly through the platform 24/7, which means records employees are no longer inundated with verification calls and in-person requests, saving them valuable time.
ScribOrder also reduces the security risks, the financial burdens, and the time and stress that come with paper or PDF-based records-processing systems. ScribOrder’s secure, FERPA compliant online platform utilizes identity authentication to gather, automate and protect the identity of students. It requires electronic and digital signatures and file uploads for supporting documents such as a copy of a driver’s license, adding another layer of security.
ScribOrder can also help districts generate revenue. Districts collect payment for distribution of student records such as transcripts through the online platform and keep the proceeds from the transactions. Pricing is set by each district. Districts can also add an option allowing users to donate to their education foundation.
Formats/platforms used:
ScribOrder is an online system, accessible from any device with Internet access.
Primary website’s URL:
Grades and/or age ranges:
ScribOrder is for K-12 school districts

Pricing model:
Pricing is per district and is based on student enrollment.
Additional services included or needed:
No other service is needed. However, ScribOrder does work in conjunction with other Scribbles Software solutions to streamline the process of managing student records.
What makes ScribOrder unique?
ScribOrder can be used as a stand-alone solution, but unlike other similar products, it is also part of a holistic suite of services from Scribbles Software that helps schools support online records management. In addition to helping districts process student records requests, Scribbles products also support districts through centralized online records storage, student transfer requests between districts, forms, enrollment, and advanced choice and lottery systems. Scribbles helps make the entire process of school enrollment through post-graduation easier, faster, and more secure for their communities.
ScribOrder’s only focus is serving the needs of K-12 districts, so districts get specialized support specific to their needs. The company’s configurable platform was built to be flexible in order to meet the unique needs of each district. For example, districts can offer different rates for different types of requestors, or add a donation option to generate funding for important district initiatives. Scribbles can also easily connect to existing district technology like an SIS.
ScribOrder goes above and beyond to provide districts with a secure, FERPA-compliant way for students, families, and third parties to request student records, verify requestor identity, process payments, and send student records.

ScribOrder is web-based, intuitive, and mobile-friendly, with prompts which guide users through the steps needed to request a student record. Translations are currently offered in 132 languages, and Scribbles offers toolkits, including QR code-generators built into the system, to help districts market the service to their communities.
Here’s what users are saying:

“A process that used to take us three days now takes us six minutes. Scribbles (also) presented us with quality metrics at the push of a button. It really doesn't get better than that, right?”
- Steffanie Richmond, IT analyst, Fresno Unified School District
“The efficiency has improved so much. I can’t tell you how many transcripts (we) can knock out in a day because it’s all right there at our fingertips.”
– Carolyn Bledsole, information services project manager, Seminole County Schools