Eductors tell the Learning Counsel they love our Lunch and Learn presentations. It is an opportunity for them to spend time with the products and services they need for their schools in a no-pressure, no-sales situation. In this lunch and learn presentation, you’ll hear Bari Gersten, Education Marketing Manager at ViewSonic share many of the ways that you can make the “Back to School” time a productive and fun time for students and teachers alike. According to Gersten, “when we're looking at our classrooms, we know we're happy to be back in the classrooms and there is a lot of funds, whether you're a public school or a private school, there is so much money out there right now to purchase technology. And I know a lot of EdTech solution providers are just like, Hey, buy this, buy that. But before you actually make any purchases, it's so important to reflect on what you already have. So the first thing we're going to do is conduct a digital DNA analysis. This is not just hardware. This is really evaluating your classroom. What technology is there, what digital resources, what online resources you have and seeing what works and what doesn't work. The next thing we need to look at is assess the needs of the classroom.

“Where do we want the classroom to go? What did we, when we were home, when we were teaching remotely or teaching in a hybrid environment, what did we feel was missing? And how can we integrate that back into our classrooms now that most of us are in the classroom full time? We have to find hardware that addresses those needs. And then we need to look for software that works with the hardware we already had as well as the new hardware that we're implementing. And what really ties everything together? What makes happy teachers happy? IT staff is providing that ongoing professional development when we actually use the technology on a regular basis. That really is what makes it a successful implementation. And the only way to do that is ongoing professional development.”

Don’t miss this informative presentation. You’ll enjoy Gersten’s practical wisdom, and you’ll understand what your schools really need to make things go smoothly all year long.