People wait all year for an insider-briefing from LeiLani Cauthen, CEO at the Learning Counsel. This briefing is particularly exciting, as Cauthen is deep in the throes of crafting the Hybrid Logistics Project, and this briefing dovetails into the work that the Learning Counsel is doing in this area. In a nutshell, the Hybrid Logistics Project is rewriting the laws of space and time for a more efficient, functional and modern system of education.

It sounds more difficult than it is. Rather than bending the laws of physics. The Hybrid Logistics Project gives the learner what he or she needs at the exact time it is needed, removing the traditional inefficiencies of a century of “That’s the way we have always done it.”

It’s not magic, but the improvement we will see is magical. According to Cauthen, “You have teachers looking at several different places just to craft one thing. That shouldn't happen. Like here we are, in the age of technology, why are we doing it that way? We also had attention on how much teachers could actually give students personalized attention, whether online or in class. So the real personalization and the way it's defined in the greater markets right now is, it is just built for you. It's just for you on your issues. And that could be done. We could do a lot better job with technology on that.

“And then minimizing teacher time spent on class management. So, then a teacher is not just teaching. They're managing all of the oversight of the class, discipline the management of the class, the body of students from other dimensions than just here learn this. So, they address the problems that needed to be being addressed. And I want everybody to just sort of think about this, logistics and education have a lot of things that need to be addressed. One of them is that traditional school attrition to alternatives and the heightened complexity in the shift to digital has really bounced a lot of students out. They've gone to alternatives and that percentage is over 33 percent now, and it's continuing to grow and it's a real threat. And (there is) obfuscation of the fact that the feds haven't put out numbers for a really long time.(Learning Counsel had to gather them from States.)

“And there's a reason for that, right? This is scary. There's also that non-automation of the master schedules and pacing guides. Then there's this lack of authentic personalization, lack of workflow, number four, and number five, despite adhering to the importance of human teachers, because every district and every teacher and every administrator will tell you this, teachers are the most important thing in the universe. The social dynamics in the traditional construct of schooling already had been failing many, many students. That's why we had to have bullying initiatives. We had to do so many other discipline things. It was wild, right? There's a, there's a need to actually create a function that would allow a transition structure to fully 100 percent personalized pathways.

“And then the pandemic happened. That's when the EduJedi and the Learning Counsel went into overdrive to actually figure out what would be needed in this new Hybrid Logistics infrastructure, what that would look like.”

Take a look into the future of education with this briefing and explanation of Hybrid Logistics. If you follow the Learning Counsel, you know that for the past eight years, the Learning Counsel has done a remarkable job of predicting and then leading the education world into the future of the digital transition. And here is what else you need to know. For education’s future. For your future. And for the future of our children. Here’s what’s coming. Crystal ball not included.