This may be the one EdTech Market Briefing that is literally too important to miss. According to LeiLani Cauthen, CEO & Publisher of the Learning Counsel News Media & Research, “Hybrid Logistics has been a hot button for the Learning Counsel and all of the EduJedi for a couple of years. It actually started in 2019. We had a series of special reports come out, talking about the shift in structure, and then the pandemic happened and we're like, well, now we've got to go much faster to talk about this. Let me tell you what the research is showing us. Number one, pressure administratively across America, and it's kind of invisible pressure. In fact, Garland ISD said to us when, when we were in Dallas a couple of weeks ago, ‘Please get normal and back to normal out of your vocabulary because there is no normal anymore.’ We just met with a superintendent in Indianapolis who basically needs 101 bus drivers and only has 84. So had to move a bunch of their food staff into bus driving just to make sure they could bus all the students. And if even one person goes out sick, they have to shut down our whole school district because you can't have some kids being bussed and some not. And that’s not the only district experiencing this shortage of staff.

“With all this flexibility demand, it's getting really, really arduous. And so district leaders have almost no admin time. People are looking for answers, but they want to do it at eight o'clock at night, nine o'clock at night, early in the morning at school starts and they're waiting for all the kids to get there. We're living in a no admin time moment. It's just a mad scramble; there are emergencies every day, almost everywhere. When we were in 2019, 27 percent of the nation had already opted out of traditional public education. Then the pandemic happened in 2020. And this is accelerated in 2021. We're now at 33.6 percent. These are astronomical numbers. The growth in the homeschooling market is at 20 percent annually; we have to be concerned about that as public education, as parents across America. So in our look for options, it's not just fear of viruses. It's optional curriculum, it's time flexibility, and space flexibility. All of those come into play.”

Catch this presentation to hear the statistics no one else will tell you. Want real leadership to cure the systemic inequities found throughout public education? Watch this briefing and be in the know.