This school year, the watchwords in K-12 education seem to cooperation and collaboration. According to Ms. Morri Pace, Coordinator of Innovative Learning at Powhatan County Public Schools, “The successes that we had last year and that we are having this year that I'm loving, and our LMS, we made master classes, for every subject or grade level bands. And so the teachers are building together. They are building full weeks or they are sharing their resources. We've really seen cooperation across even elementary art or our math classes where you might not have gotten the same level of collaboration in previous years. But because it's all digital, it makes it really easy for people to co-plan, and across the whole division for us to look at our resources. There might be a platform that we use and our specialists are really working on, ‘Hey, you want to use this for this lesson. Do you want that lesson to lighten the load for our teachers, to be able to find the best materials?’ Also, our teachers have wanted to learn. And so we love that and they want to understand the platforms better.”

You’ll find a lot to learn from the folks at Powhatan County Public Schools in Virginia. Their successes include Teacher Cooperation and Collaboration, Teachers Learning New Tech Skills, Increases in CTE Opportunities and Increases in Parent Involvement. All from good leadership as they successfully realized model shifts. So click and enjoy, and prepare to bring home more of what your district needs.