At the Learning Logistics and Tech Tour event in Houston, Texas, educational leaders converged for a panel discussion hosted by LeiLani Cauthen, CEO of Learning Counsel. The panelists, Mr. Chad Greene, Director of Technology Operations at Klein ISD, and James Herwig, Digital Learning Coach at Tomball ISD, shared their experiences and strategies for making classrooms more experiential and fostering a spirit of innovation in education.

LeiLani Cauthen initiated the discussion by probing how panelists are making classrooms more experiential and innovative. James Herwig highlighted the focus on Career and Technical Education (CTE), particularly in the trades, as a key driver of innovation in Tomball ISD. He discussed the success of blended learning initiatives, supported by grants from organizations like Raise Your Hand Texas and the Charles Butt Foundation, which have empowered students with agency and sparked interest in innovative programs across campuses.

Chad Greene emphasized the importance of fostering innovation in education, citing Klein ISD's commitment to providing teachers with resources and support to implement innovative ideas in the classroom. He highlighted the district's education foundation, which continually awards grants to teachers for innovative projects, demonstrating the district's dedication to encouraging creativity and experimentation. Greene emphasized the role of district leadership in driving innovation and creating opportunities for student engagement and learning pathways.

The panel discussion also touched on the challenges and opportunities presented by hybrid logistics and emerging technologies in education. Panelists exchanged insights on leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and other technological tools to enhance learning experiences and address the diverse needs of students. The conversation underscored the importance of adapting to technological advancements while maintaining a focus on student-centered learning and engagement.

The panel discussion at the Learning Logistics and Tech Tour event provided a platform for insightful dialogue and reflection on fostering innovation in education. Through their experiences and strategies, Chad Greene and James Herwig highlighted the importance of embracing blended learning, CTE, and technological advancements to create experiential learning environments that inspire creativity and engagement. As educators continue to navigate the complexities of education in the digital age, the emphasis on innovation and student-centered approaches will be essential in preparing students for success in an ever-changing world.

Tune in for the full panel discussion below.