Hosted by Chris McMurray, Chief Academic Officer at Learning Counsel News, this webinar features:
Ellen Palmer, Program Administrator of Educational Technology, Pomona USD, CA
Tammie Schrader, Science/Computer Science Coordinator, Washington ESD 101, WA
Venkat Verada, Executive, Tynker
Listen in as this panel and guests discuss the fact that coding and computer science are important in today's world – and it’s not just about technology, but student futures.
A problem has been that coding is not widely understood by educators and leaders, and many people consider it an extra subject. However, it is urgent to embed coding as a core subject starting from the basic level of education like other nations are doing for all schools in America to remain competitive.
During the session, the challenges educators face while implementing coding in their school systems were discussed. Mentioned was the need to strengthen the relationship between the solution providers and the ones who are implementing solutions because only through collaboration can coding be made a core subject of the education system.