Michael A. Randolph is the Principal at Leesburg High School at Lake County Schools in Florida. Randolph is familiar with the technology of success. His Title 1 high school became a Cambridge International Certificate of Education school and their inaugural candidates from the class of 2022 completed their first round of assessments last year and finished with an 81 percent pass rate on three different exams and honored over 320 college credits among 47 students. So, when Randolph extols the ease and benefits of launching a Virtual Open House, you’ll want to be sure and check it out. According to Randolph, “Although 2020 brought us challenges and in spite of our current situation, we remain committed to providing our parents, students and community the same levels of support and communication throughout this pandemic. We have really used this as an opportunity to provide access to our parents who may not have come, especially as a Title 1 school. In the past, we were lucky if we had 100 to 150 parents out of 1500 students participate in our open house. As a result of switching it to a virtual open house, we had over 500 participants, and we're looking to even double that number in the spring.”