According to Marita Diffenbaugh, Administrator at Elevate Academy North in Idaho, “We have logistics that we need to deal with. The Learning Counsel did a study to show us that's top of mind for administrators and teachers, the logistics of how are we going to guarantee we're providing education to kids in this online way.  So, logistics comes first. And then what comes next is the relationship. My granddaughter, who started kindergarten online this year, gets to play a bit with her friends online. They use the emojis, they use the chat and it's much more of an alive fun experience for her.

“It really got me thinking about how important it is to start with some other parts and pieces before we jump into the logistics. It still really matters to know that I'm here really with you and we're having this conversation and it's making a difference that I'm here. So how do we listen? How are you coaching your teachers to listen?

I follow a lot of amazing educators on Twitter and connect a lot with different folks around the globe. I have watched fantastic examples of how people have listened to kids and what they need. I've seen a lot of play online and some of those kinds of fun things have been captured. And then, also let's listen and remind ourselves that although we're facilitating the learner and facilitating the learning, all of us are learners in this process. You know, the students are studying the content and we as providing an educational service to our students, we're learning our kids and they are our subject, if you will, for us to study so that we're certain that they can meet success. So, listen, that's the first part to think about and then empower, helping students find their voice.

You’ll want to watch every minute of this powerful presentation, as Diffenbaugh takes you through the LEARNER acronym. Listen, Empower, Analyze, Resources, Needs and Relationships. It’s a different world, and you’ll need every inch of knowledge you can get for yourself and your students. Enjoy!