The business of verifying lifelong learning is changing. As a student (or lifelong learner), how do you present and verify what you have learned? The days of requesting a paper transcript are long past. In today’s world, it is important to be able to present, digitally, a more complete presentation of what you have learned, and what your skills are above and beyond the grades you earned in high school.

In this special Lunch and Learn presentation, Kimberly Linson, Director of Business Development at Randa, reveals the work that North Dakota is doing to provide, complete, accurate and verified information about its learners. See how Randa, along with IMS Global, ID Ramp, Infotekka, Public Consulting Group and others are collaborating as the North Dakota Digital Transcript Co-lab to build a blockchain project that can produce everything needed now, and then grow exponentially as needed in the future.

Don’t miss this look at the future of the Comprehensive Learner Record, being built today in North Dakota.