Today’s Mission Panel is made up entirely of EduJedi Gainers. These individuals have been recognized for excellence in their districts, and have much to share that you can use back home in your own school or district. Our Mission Panelists include Kimberly Nidy, CETL Director of Technology, North Canton City Schools, Dr. Tamara Willis, Superintendent, Susquehanna Township School District, Dr. Paul O’Malley, Superintendent, Butler School District, and Dr. Barbara Nesbitt, Assistant Superintendent for Technology Services, School District of Pickens County.

LeiLani Cauthen, Host and CEO of the Learning Counsel Publishing and Research, began by summing up the accomplishments of the panelists’ districts. “North Canton, awarded for digital choice in learning fully online or in-person learning, plus an advanced technical architecture and consistent UI UX for parents and students. Susquehanna, awarded for a leadership returning the district to a new normal, with attention on technology enablement, inclusive of customized learning and a social emotional address that we think is probably one of the best in the nation. Butler, awarded for visionary leadership through digital transition with both core and supplemental initiatives to support learning and expose students to new skills. District of Pickens County, awarded for an authentic career tech education leadership with global interoperable standards, a robust digital ecosystem, your altered schedules and models and empowering learners with maker spaces.

Each of the panelists had the opportunity to talk about their district’s biggest wins for the year, with plenty of details as to the how and why. This is valuable stuff, designed to bring your district the tools and details you need to create excellence in your own digital transition. It is short and succinct, but all of the pertinent information is presented here just for you.