People love the Learning Counsel’s Lunch and Learn series. It’s an opportunity to learn about top resources that come highly recommended by the Learning Counsel. In this Lunch and Learn, you’ll meet Megan Uotila, the VP of Instructional Technology for ClassLink. Using ClassLink, Megan will show you how districts are solving their top three challenges of remote and hybrid learning: Access, Engagement and Rostering.

According to Meghan, “Then comes the conversations surrounding rostering and the sending of data from your student information system to your third-party applications. Now that is a conversation within itself for those that are working in that space. Now we need automation across the board. We need to be supporting open data. You need to be able to do your rostering with a couple of clicks. You need fix it and forget it type systems. Perhaps you just don't have the capacity to support all of these digital tools that you’re supporting. Your libraries have grown, and your staffs have not. If anything, libraries of digital tools have grown, but staffs have diminished considerably for many school systems out there. So ClassLink is focusing in on helping to fill that gap too, as your staff is leaving, you need to turn to tools that can, can backfill and take work off your plate.

“When you log into your device, you can personalize it. You can personalize it for your students and off you go, no more URLs, no more usernames and passwords, no more logins. You just click and boom, you're taken to where you need to go. Also important, we're tracking activity within those portals and even outside of the portal and delivering it to all different individuals across your district that might need to track engagement. With remote and hybrid models of learning, you really need to know what's working and what's not working.”

ClassLink is one of the “must-have” tools of the post-pandemic world. Tune into this special Lunch and Learn, and get the information you need to find out why.