In this Digital Experience Standards, New Model of Instructional Design and Dictionary Definitions Workshop, hosted by Chris McMurray, VP of EduJedi Leadership at the Learning Counsel, you’ll learn about standards for administrators and educators, McMurray talks about a model for learning design that goes deeper than just digital literacy.

You’ll also have the opportunity to download a free copy of the newest version of the Edujedi Dictionary, a resource full of definitions for administrators, IT staff, and teachers.

According to McMurray, “If we're going to restructure those old ways, and we're going to start to talk about how the IT structure is designed or the system is designed for everyone within that system in order to maximize the humans, we really have to have to have a deep understanding of the building blocks, the things that we're going to use in order to build an experience. We have to understand what structures are going to be most effective for personalized learning, because that's the goal.”

Don’t miss this fascinating presentation by Chris McMurry. It’s the best way for everyone – your IT staff, administration and teachers – to have the same understanding of terminology and the same understanding of what it will take to move your technology forward into the future. The end result will be a more fluid journey to personalized learning, with teachers doing what teachers to best, being human.