In this very special Lunch and Learn Presentation, Nicole Smith, Vice President of Instructional Technology at ClassLink, shares advice for avoiding the most dangerous hurdles to successful hybrid and online learning - How to Avoid the Digital Access Issues that Derail Remote Learning. Because in today’s world of remote learning, without digital access, you (and your learner) are out of business.

According to Smith, “I loved going to the CDE stream on LinkedIn. And many of you may have seen it or even had your districts featured, but I was blown away by the response of people coming together. I felt like it really illustrated that saying, ‘never waste a good crisis.’ It was a great opportunity for us to refocus for traditional K-12 education, to evolve into some of these things that have been talked about - to be creative and for everyone to come together and unite. I was so gratified to see new heroes, always heroes, people really getting the attention and the recognition for all the hard work that's always been done. It has really brought everyone to the forefront and center of what was going on. Last year really gave us an opportunity for change and progress. And that's something that we are continuing to build steam on and to move forward.

In this Lunch and Learn presentation, you’ll find balance between providing access and making sure that there is true equity for all users, but also security. Unlike the popular wisdom, your district doesn’t have to be the wild, wild West - people just using whatever they want, whenever they can get their hands on it. Learn about data security and privacy and become empowered with the confidence to know who's using what and when, and which students are engaged and which are not. This is valuable information, and you won’t want to miss it.