Here is our experience with the logistical and technical challenges of reopening a school district on time. What are the best practices being used in moving to hybrid, the behind-the-scenes logistics? Interesting gaps have emerged that tech is rushing in to help. New ideas like deploying PODs (Parents Over Development) teacher- leaders for neighborhoods to limit large gatherings on campuses, disassembling class structure into independent and distributed multi-grade home-rooms, partitioned on a campus, with tech to intersect students with teachers via auto-cohorting based on personalized pace for live or virtual classes using layered automated calendars tied to curriculum maps, and more. From the “we’re doing it on spreadsheets,” to the high-end systems, America’s schools are committed to delivering on the learning promise. Find out what we’ve identified from numerous successful districts and schools, and what is yet to come now that hybrid and remote learning is here for all.