Phoenix, AZ - Learning Logistics & Tech Tour '24
When: Feb 20, 2024
Where: Phoenix Union High School District, Metro Tech High School - Banquet Hall, 1900 W. Thomas Road, Phoenix, AZ 85015

Learning Counsel News is coming to your area to roll cameras and bring new perspectives based on national research about everything from chronic absenteeism to how much time teachers spend on duties they needn't be and what the teacher shortage really means. We'll be hosting local K12 speakers and conducting interviews about school and district leadership plans and good works.
We'll also provide customized morning schedules for short discussion meetings on hot topics related to trends and transformations, useful research briefings, and our nationally recognized graciousness with a luncheon for all in the early afternoon. We value your time, and we hope you value ours for our one day of togetherness.

Do you want to be interviewed/present?
Not sure what to present on? Apply to be interviewed/present thru registration and we will work with you on topics that showcase your work against national trends.
Present to our large national audience in recorded sessions and additional millions of viewers with social media and syndication. Sign up thru registration to be considered of a handful of interviewees/presenters from the entire region at the one-day studio tour event.
Analysts then work to schedule your recording slot and your discussion rounds. Being selected to be interviewed/present is free, but the Learning Counsel requires a time commitment for presenter/teams to take advantage of the discussion rounds which help review their work against national best practice models. Some of the rounds may include Learning Counsel sponsor participation.
In most sites we will have a separate quiet room for interviewees/presenters to work between speaking and rounds if their schedule is not contiguous.
Do you want to participate and network?
The luncheon is crafted to bring value from Learning Counsel’s national research into topics related to trends, curriculum programs, technologies, and working strategies.
These trends set the stage for asking the hard questions of school and district administrators.
The final hour will be a panel of local school and district administrators answering pointed questions from Learning Counsel News, with open time for questions from the audience.
You’ll also be treated to a video showcase reel of the latest from tech companies.
You can also register to attend for a schedule at the morning challenge rounds. Limited seats, lots of possible topics although not all will be presented in every city.
General Agenda (See below for Full Agenda)

Present or Participate in a Live Interview plus Discussion Rounds
8:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Cameras Rolling
Present to our cameras or alternately join an interview to reach a national audience and be part of a customized agenda of discussion rounds around your presenter slot. Interviewees/presenters must be specially invited after applying thru registration.
8:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. - Participate
Get a customized agenda of discussion rounds to challenge your practice and give you new insights, then go to the luncheon.

11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. - Priorities Luncheon for all Educators
Attend this special luncheon to hear the top-most priorities today for transforming and bettering practices in schools, see the latest edtech in a special video showcase, visit with new tech companies, and learn during the Futures Panel of speakers. We're bringing it all to your area.
Attendees will gain the latest context on what's happening in school transformation, technology, and handling adversity.
Full Agenda
Morning Discussion Rounds & Interviewees/Presenters
8:00 - 11:30 a.m. - Welcome Breakfast & Ongoing Discussion Rounds
- A.I. & the Seven Things that Make Us Human
- The New Time & Space Inequity & Attrition
- Balancing Human and Tech Leadership
- Differences in Digital Learning Experiences
- Modeling a Digital Learning Matrix (Saving Money, Getting Organized)
- Reasons to Define “Student”
- Defining the New Human Teaching
- The Meaning of the Courseware vs. Digital Files Shift
- Trading Computer Sci for Digital Arts & Sciences
- Digital Transition Maturity – Which Stage are You?
- Amplifying Cross-Curricular Experiences
- Understanding the Alpha Generation
- Staffing Alternative Trends
- Practical Reinvention Hot List
- Data Literacy – The Basis of Evaluating Anything
- The Evolving “Science of” Subjects
Description of each topic: 2024 Topic Discussion Descriptions
8:10 a.m. - 11:35 a.m. - Interviewee/Presenter Time Slots (:20 per Speaker)

Michael Neu, CTE Director, Buckeye Union High School District
Priorities Luncheon for All Educators
11:30 - 12:30 p.m. - Lunch, Special Address Speaker, and Video Showcase
12:30 - 1:00 p.m. - Priorities Discussion Speaker
1:00 - 2:00 p.m. - Panel(s) - The Future

Dr. Leslie Standerfer, Assistant Superintendent of Academics, Buckeye Union High School District

Jason Stuewe, Assistant Superintendent of Student Achievement, Buckeye Union High School District
Co-Produced with:
Proudly supporting school district superintendents via recognitions, resources, and relationships. NASS helps Superintendents refine their expertise on Board relations, career moves, contracts, equity, innovative ideas, leadership, starting as a new Superintendent, avoiding pitfalls, performance evaluations, professional image and other tips.
Phoenix Union High School District, Metro Tech High School - Banquet Hall, 1900 W. Thomas Road, Phoenix, AZ 85015