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All regional one-day meeting style events and virtual events are free to attend for educators.

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A project to create a metamorphosis of all schooling through a holistic tech schema including several emerging types of A.I. and reimagined teaching roles.

Learn More

The Learning Counsel is a research institute and news media hub with 310,000 readers that provides context for educators from ongoing analysis of trends and a deep understanding of new dynamics in technology, systems, and school administration. Social posting and news releases for stories reach up to 20 million readers. Our mission-based organization was the first to develop a thesis of education’s future based on tech and cultural evolution. Learning Counsel produces periodic special reports, whitepapers, podcasts, internet seminars, and innovation services. Current special projects include the Hybrid Logistics Project centered on school A.I. calendaring, a digital curriculum characteristics definition guide, a set of professional development exercises to experience the future of schools, and a hybrid model architecture schema to interrelate the multiplicity of tech tools schools currently use.