Take Survey

Learning Counsel conducts the nation’s largest annual survey of schools, districts and teachers to assess trends and what is happening with technology.
Many education leaders claim they “learn while they take the survey” because the questions provoke internal inquiry as to practice and structure.
Each year the Learning Counsel analyzes 1,000 or more completed surveys and recognizes top schools and districts.
To award a rank, Learning Counsel staff go beyond the survey responses spend many hours reviewing each applicant’s websites and activities posted online. Analysts also interact with schools and districts to get completed data for final profiles.
Below are our Surveys for 2024.

Just 10 Questions!
What is going to happen now with AI on the scene? What forms of AI are you already familiar with? What forms of human intelligence are you aware of?
This survey asks about what could happen to schooling as the various types of AI converge and gives you examples for you to select your top three from.
Other questions include your rating of the biggest issues in schools, your definition of teacher, and how teachers split their time.
Thank you for your help in responding to this Learning Counsel Research survey!
Take the Survey
Just 10 Questions!
In today’s competitive landscape for schooling, how are teachers, schools and districts preparing new futures for themselves and students?
This survey asks about awareness of areas that are changing, opinions about areas that could be changed out of the normal assumptions of traditional schools, ways education is changing, which are the best areas to prioritize changing in classrooms, and which types of technologies teachers, schools and districts intend to purchase in preparing new futures.
Thank you for your help by responding to this Learning Counsel Research survey!
Take the Survey
Just 6 questions, but some have quite a few points.
Alpha Generation, born between 2010 and through 2025, have exhibited particular characteristics that vary from earlier generations markedly. This survey allows you to browse and select those you have observed for yourself and then consider definitions of personalization and student.
The last question is about which points you agree with for creating engagement with the Alpha Generation in classrooms and schools.
Thank you for your help in responding to this Learning Counsel Research survey!