The New Digital Divide

Ensure all students have equitable access to quality digital literacy instruction. Though broadband use and school hardware availability are at an all-time high, a new digital divide has appeared. Today’s students carry cell phones in their pockets that are more powerful than the NASA command center that landed men on the moon in 1969, but many still do not have the basic technology skills they need for success in school and in life. This skills gap is apparent in the recent analysis of scores earned by students on online versus paper and pencil versions of assessments developed by Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) and Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). Read the full paper. WHAT'S INSIDE Download this paper to find out how we are solving the new “digital divide” so that no matter what class a student is in or what school he or she attends, they have equal opportunities.

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