Past Events Video

Learning Counsel flash internet seminars are designed to be rapid researched-based professional development for education executives and administrators. Leaders in edtech and district and school transformation share their experience, best-practices and tools on how they are making the shift.

Watch completed seminars whenever you like, or register for upcoming seminars.

Organizational Practicalities of Blended Learning for Educators

  When moving into new situations, practice really does make perfect. According to “Dr. Queesha Tillman, Assistant Principal at Loyd E. Auman Elementary School, “Everything looks good in theor...

Equitable Grading Practices, Technology and Motivation

  According to Ken Greenbaum, Director of Digital and Education Technology at the Oregon Department of Education, “Grading conversations can feel like Groundhog's day; it's one of these conver...

Oregon - Local Panel of Administrators: "Our Digital Transition"

  Our Local panel of administrators’ discussion is one of the most popular features at the Learning Counsel’s regional Digital Discussion events. This discussion features Lisa Riggs, Assistant...

Oregon - Digital Experience Standards, New Model of Instructional Design and Dictionary Definitions Workshop

  In this Digital Experience Standards, New Model of Instructional Design and Dictionary Definitions Workshop, hosted by Chris McMurray, VP of EduJedi Leadership at the Learning Counsel, you’l...

Managing Professional Development Resources for Efficiency and Long-Range Use

  According to Aaron Cooke, Program Manager for Data Analytics at Southern Oregon ESD, “We seem to want to focus on what we're doing with students, and obviously we need to do that, but there'...

Oregon - Everything Changed: “Using Space & Time Today and Hybrid Logistics Best Practices”

  A new model of education, post pandemic and for the mid-21 st century and beyond, requires more than simply moving learning to a remote and/or hybrid model. It requires a new way to think a...

Our Transition to Hybrid Learning

  In this Lunch and Learn presentation, you’ll meet Education Consultant Caiti Jones and Field Representative Arthur Nelson from Promethean Learning. According to Jones, “This year has been a ...

Oregon - Give Teachers and Administrators the Ability to Track Student Engagement

  According to Learning Counsel research, one of the greatest challenges among educators during this time of hybrid and remote learning is the ability to engage learners, and to understand the...

EdTech Lessons Learned and Considerations for Hybrid/Brick and Mortar

  In this educator session, Robin Shobe, Assistant Special Education Director – LEEP from the Clackamas Education Service District looks at EdTech lessons learned from an assistive technology ...

How are districts collecting and using student data to inform RTI

  In this informative Educator Session, Jenni Jones, Senior Manager for Instruction and Distance Learning, and Elena Fink, Customer Support Specialist for Tech and SIS from Willamette Educatio...

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