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Learning Counsel flash internet seminars are designed to be rapid researched-based professional development for education executives and administrators. Leaders in edtech and district and school transformation share their experience, best-practices and tools on how they are making the shift.

Watch completed seminars whenever you like, or register for upcoming seminars.

AZ, NM: How to Avoid the Digital Access Issues that Derail Remote Learning

  In this exciting Lunch and Learn presentation, Nicole Smith, VP of Instructional Technology for ClassLink explains ways to gain cybersecurity for your district while creating ease of use f...

The Perfect Blend for Fulton County Schools: SAFARI Montage & Microsoft Teams

  Fulton County School System is a large district with 106 schools and over 95,000 students in the Atlanta Metropolitan area. According to Dr. Emily Bell, Chief Information Officer at Fulton ...

AZ, NM Motivation Group Discussion

  What are the secrets to motivating your students during this time of remote learning? According to Learning Counsel research, 85 percent of respondents said motivating learners remotely was ...

From Year Zero to Hybrid Learning: The BUHSD Journey

  By any standard, the Buckeye Union High School District is impressive – particularly in terms of technology. They are perennial winners of the Learning Counsel’s EduJedi Awards and are ren...

The Future of Education: How to Learn from Anywhere

  The future of education is an ever-changing landscape as it evolves to meet the demands of administrators, educators, students and families. Whether in response to a global crisis or off-sit...

Setting District-Wide Digital Priorities

  With constant changes to learning schedules and the risk of staff needing to quarantine, administrators have constantly changing priorities. Setting up the core priorities for digital learni...

Supporting Learning Continuity in a Time of Uncertainty

  In these uncertain times, one thing is certain: learning for K-12 students must continue.  The question on everyone’s mind though, is how? Join us for a panel-style webinar where we will hea...

Get in Touch with the Future of Learning

  Because of its research capabilities, the Learning Council’s 215,000 members have come to expect surprisingly accurate predictions on the EdTech market. In this Trends Report by Learning Cou...

Find Out All That e-Sports Has to Offer Your Students

  Attendees at the Learning Counsel’s National Gathering and Awards 2020 were treated to an e-sports presentation by Dr. Katrina Adkins, Senior Program Director- K12/Higher Ed Solutions at SHI...

Building an Equitable Digital Learning Ecosystem from Stem to Stern in Chicago Public Schools

  According to Helena Swanson-Nystrom, Director of Academic Operations (Curriculum Equity Initiative) at Chicago Public Schools (CPS), “Currently CPS schools are responsible for developing or ...

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