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Learning Counsel flash internet seminars are designed to be rapid researched-based professional development for education executives and administrators. Leaders in edtech and district and school transformation share their experience, best-practices and tools on how they are making the shift.

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DC - Lessons Learned in Our Digital Transition - Guest Educator Panel

  In today’s guest educator panel, we feature Dr. Nicole DeVries, Director of K-12 and Gifted Programs at Virginia Beach City Public Schools, going one on one with LeiLani Cauthen, CEO at the ...

DC - Hybrid Logistics Briefing

  People wait all year for an insider-briefing from LeiLani Cauthen, CEO at the Learning Counsel. This briefing is particularly exciting, as Cauthen is deep in the throes of crafting the Hybri...

New Leadership Workshop: Innovation in spite of a Pandemic

  Sometimes, the best time to innovate is when there are no other choices on the table. In the case of Virginia City Public Schools, innovation came in spades during the pandemic, and the less...

DC - New Responsibilities for Leaders - Review the EduJedi Digital Learning Experience Standards

  Chris McMurray is the Vice President of EduJedi Leadership at the Learning Counsel. As part of that role, McMurray helps to set the tone among the EduJedi – specifically, how do we as school...

DC, VA, WV - "How Does Hybrid Impact Your School"

  It is amazing what your network can tell you now. As a company, Cisco was born into education. And they bring tremendous resources and effort into keeping your students safe and secure, all ...

DC, VA, WV - . EdTech Market Briefing Update & Intro to " Learning Leadership vs. Systemic Inequities"

  This may be the one EdTech Market Briefing that is literally too important to miss. According to LeiLani Cauthen, CEO & Publisher of the Learning Counsel News Media & Research, “Hybr...

DC, VA, WV - Leadership & Model Shifts

  This school year, the watchwords in K-12 education seem to cooperation and collaboration. According to Ms. Morri Pace, Coordinator of Innovative Learning at Powhatan County Public Schools, “...

DC, VA, WV - "Solve Your Top Three Digital Learning Challenges: Access, Engagement, and Rostering"

  One of the reasons our attendees love our Lunch and Learn presentations is that it gives them the chance to explore resources recommended by the Learning Counsel. In this special Lunch and L...

DC, VA, WV - Guest Educator Panel – Lessons Learned in Our Digital Transition

  This is certainly a great time for lessons learned -- both in our digital transitions, and as we make our way though the pandemic. This Guest Educator Panel features Ms. Morri Pace, Coordina...

Learner Digital Learning Experience Standards – Being Device Tidy & Respectful

  Never look into how someone else files digital documents or you could go mad. Being both physically sanitary with devices and capable of naming, tagging, and filing student work so it can be...

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