Even a talented administrator like Dr. Hugo Moreno, Principal at Willard F. Payne Elementary School in California gets stymied from time to time. Like everyone else, Dr. Moreno has experienced his share of challenges over the last year. However, unlike many of us, Dr. Moreno has an armload of solutions to offer. In this Hybrid Learning Discussion, see how Dr. Moreno faced his school’s challenges with a plan that’s easy to follow and powerful in its application.

“Groundhog day, if you ever saw the movie, you'll see it repeating all the same scenes until finally there's a positive outcome,” said Moreno. “I think that's the reality that we face this year. When we entered this pandemic almost a year ago, we were overwhelmed and by the time the fall came along, we understood that this is just learning how to make things happen. It was creating that infrastructure to make it happen… for parents, for students and your staff. I think part of that was a great learning curve. Some of the challenges that we continue to face are connectivity and infrastructure challenges. There are still areas that we call dead zones, and Internet provider costs that are out of reach for some families who are trying to make ends meet.”

Definitely Groundhog Day (or Déjà vu) all over again. Are you ready for the positive outcome? Watch the video with Dr. Moreno and grab plenty of solutions for your own school or district.


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