In this Hybrid Learning Discussion, Paul Henn, Director of Learning Services at New Ulm Public Schools addresses Finding the Mix, Modern Curriculum That Meets the Challenges of All Learning Models for All Learners. According to Henn, “The idea behind some of the work that we've done is, how do we create a better infrastructure, a better mix within our curriculum, so that regardless of learning model, and especially in the sense that some of this is going to change, how do we do that without continuing to tax our staff?

“We had a lot of challenges, just like everybody else,” said Henn. “We've really tried to focus in on the long-term solutions to make things work for learners within our district.” Henn and his team took a hard look at not only learning loss, but the lost opportunity for learning. In his district’s case, understanding the problem led to the solution. “We quickly started to realize that although we were able to maintain the learning that had occurred, that there was a lot of last opportunity for learning that we were going to have to backfill as we moved through this process. And this is where the work and the tech tools and the different avenues and a better mix within our curriculum was needed to help us move forward. It's a much different problem dealing with learning loss where learning has occurred and trying to backfill learning that had never happened.”

Watch this informative, fast-moving video for curriculum answers that will help your learners move forward regardless of the learning model they are under (or may be under in the future).


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